San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)


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SANDAG taps Mario Orso as CEO

April 29, 2024
Orso, the current chief deputy director of Caltrans District 11, will begin his tenure as SANDAG CEO on June 17.

SANDAG to begin construction on Phase 5 of Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project

April 11, 2024
The new phase will install additional columns and retaining walls, provide drainage improvements and enhance other stabilization and erosion control measures.

SANDAG Board of Directors approves draft of $1.3 billion FY25 budget

March 26, 2024
SANDAG plans to tackle 200 projects in FY25, with nearly $240 million dollars for local streets and roads improvements and transit operations.

SANDAG Board combining state, federal environmental process for transit to airport connection

Feb. 27, 2024
Combining the state and federal environmental processes for the Airport Transit Connection project will help to expedite the process of establishing a better connection to the...

SANDAG appoints Coleen Clementson as interim CEO

Dec. 12, 2023
Clementson, the current deputy CEO of SANDAG, will begin as interim CEO in January 2024, replacing Hasan Ikhrata, who has led SANDAG since 2018.
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SANDAG CEO Ikhrata to leave at end of 2023

Aug. 4, 2023
Under Ikhrata’s leadership, more than $1 billion in funds were awarded for projects throughout the San Diego region and major progress was made on several, key regional priorities...
A rendering of the Tecolote Road station.

Green bonds solidify final piece of funding for Mid-Coast Trolley project

Aug. 19, 2019
The project will add nine new stations and extend San Diego Trolley service for 11 miles.

Articles & News

Photos by Under Construction Photography by Tara Garner and
The 11-mile Mid-Coast Extension of the UC San Diego Blue Line Trolley began service in November 2021.

Mid-Coast Corridor Program Delivered with a Project-First Mentality

May 31, 2022
Developing a project culture that valued safety and solutions helped Mid-Coast Transit Constructors deliver one of the largest infrastructure programs to the San Diego region....
A conceptual rendering of a future Central Mobility Hub in downtown San Diego.

SANDAG and partners to build airport connected mobility hub in downtown San Diego

April 18, 2022
SANDAG is moving forward with environmental reviews for the Central Mobility Hub project that will provide a multimodal transit connection to San Diego International Airport.
Driver training has begun for a Bus on Shoulder pilot project that will see Rapid buses operating on designated freeway shoulders in 2022.

San Diego region’s Bus on Shoulder pilot program driver training begins

The pilot program features vehicle-to-infrastructure technology and will see Rapid buses operating on the shoulder along I-805 and SR 94 during peak times.
An Amtrak train traveling along tracks that are situated on the Del Mar Bluffs along the LOSSAN Corridor in southern California.

Phase 4 of Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project complete

Jan. 14, 2021
SANDAG and NCTD are leading the six-part stabilization project that will improve storm drainage and improve the reliability of rail service.
A rendering of San Ysidro Transit Center incorporating elements of SANDAG's vision for mobility.

SANDAG unveils $177-billion regional transportation plan

Aug. 17, 2020
Shifting the regional transportation reliance away from single occupancy cars and to more shared transportation modes is the overall goal of the proposed vision.

All content from San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

Regional leaders held a rally at the Old Town Transit Center to promote and encouraged San Diego residents and workers to choose transit on Tuesday, Oct. 2 – the region’s first Free Ride Day.

San Diego Leaders Rally for Transit Free Ride Day

Regional leaders held a rally at the Old Town Transit Center to promote and encouraged San Diego residents and workers to choose transit on Tuesday, Oct. 2 – the region’s first...
UTC Transit Center.
Shelters, Stations, Fixtures, Parking & Lighting

Latest Investment in San Diego Regional Transit Network Opening Friday at Westfield UTC

The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System continued its efforts to improve transit choices for the San Diego region with the grand opening of the 80,000 sq. ft. UTC Transit Center...
Metropolitan Transit System (MTS)
Rapid 215 Courthouse 5834c71a57684

New MTS Downtown Rapid Stations Offer Improved Lighting, Security & Convenience

The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) in partnership with the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) has completed the Downtown Rapid Stations Project – a $21 million investment...