Bird-B-Gone Inc.

Mission Viejo, CA 92692


About Bird-B-Gone Inc.


23918 Skyline
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
United States

More Info on Bird-B-Gone Inc.

Logo 10625072

Bird-B-Gone, Inc. is the leading distributor of bird deterrents and is dedicated to solving pest bird problems. The business of Bird Control is constantly changing and is loaded with products and services with varied successes as bird barriers. Because Bird-B-Gone is only involved with bird control, it is our business to stay on top of this evolution and provide our customers only the best in products, including bird spikes, mist units, bird wire, bird netting, bird repellers and more for your Pest Bird and Pigeon Control problems.

Products and Press Releases

Birdbgonemist 10067612

Bird-B-Gone Mist

June 24, 2009
An advanced hazing system which releases a fine mist into the air to deter birdsDistributes methyl anthrnilate, a non-toxic grape extract to repel pest birds
Newandimprovedbirdjoltflattrack 10067614

New and Improved Bird Jolt Flat Track

June 24, 2009
A low-profile track system that emits a slight shock to birds as they landConditions birds to avoid an areaUtilizes marine-grade knitted wire
Plasticbirdspikesmadefromrecycledmaterial 10067616

Plastic Bird Spikes Made From Recycled Material

June 24, 2009
Low-cost deterrent that won't harm birds or the environmentDeters pest birds from landing on window ledges, roof lines, parapet walls, I-beams and moreMade of 100% post-industrial...
Birdslope 10066982
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

Bird Slope

Aug. 16, 2007
An anti-perching, anti-roosting deterrentUV-protectedLong lastingDesign makes it impossible for birds to land on 90-degree areas including eaves and ledges
Birdspider 10066984

Bird Spider

Aug. 16, 2007
Ideal for areas where pest birds are landingArms move with the breeze and deter birds from landing and causing damageAvailable in 4- or 8-foot widths of coverageInstallation is...
Birdspike2001 10066986

Bird Spike 2001

Aug. 16, 2007
Low-cost, effective and permanent solution in bird controlPrevents birds from landing or roostingComes in 3-, 5-, and 8-inch widthsVirtually invisible when installedWill not harm...
Shocktrackforbirds 10067363

Shock Track for Birds

Aug. 16, 2007
Low-profileEffective on all species of birdsKeeps water from building up behind it to prevent shortagesWill turn, corner and bend in any directionAttaches easily to any surface...


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