The funding will go towards installing electric charging infrastructure to power electric buses, to help build a new light-rail station and to help maintain a few fleet of fuel...
The $166 million project will begin with installments of steel pipes into the ground to provide the foundation needed to construct a temporary construction platform.
The Caltrans Sustainable Community grants support the agency’s efforts to improve safety, enhance transit connections and meet the community’s mobility needs.
NCTD will use the funding to enhance the pedestrian tunnel to be more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing, improving safety and the customer experience.
California is one of the first states to integrate the federal government’s secure sign-in service, enabling older adults to tap to pay a discounted bus fare at participating...
The Operational Data Standard leverages the existing GTFS standard for transit service information and extends it to include data about personnel, scheduled maintenance and non...
The vehicles will be based on Stadler’s successful Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train concept and will be funded through California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $10 billion, multiyear...
The eight states to receive the grants will use the funds to implement technology-based solutions to improve safety, mobility, connectivity and performance of highway and transit...
The project will ensure wildlife, in particular big horn sheep, at three high-need locations in San Bernardino County can safety cross over highway lanes and future high-speed...
In this Caltrans News Flash, Public Information Officer Mark Dinger takes you to historic Old Sacramento for the first look at the new, high speed Charger locomotive, which was...
In this News Flash, Caltrans spokesperson Greg Lawson discusses District 10’s storm-related emergency projects, the effects of deferred maintenance on the state highway system...
This week's update features videos from the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), The Rapid, Metropolitan Tranist Authority of Harris County (Metro), Valley Metro and the California...
All content from Caltrans (California Department of Transportation)
The projects will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve transportation sustainability by providing new and expanded bus and rail service for disadvantaged and low-income...
Caltrans has released the 2018 State Rail Plan – a bold vision for state rail that aims to boost the economy, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve safety statewide...
Caltrans will improve the safety, mobility, and efficiency of railways across the state thanks in part to an $11.3 million grant from the Federal Railroad Administration’s CRISI...
Metro in partnership with Caltrans has prepared an updated Focused Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/ Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statemen.