CALSTART, North America's leading clean transportation technologies and solutions consortium, consults internationally to over 130 member companies and clients. CALSTART serves as a catalyst for creating jobs, cleaning the air, reducing fuel consumption and mitigating the threat of climate change.
Administered by CALSTART and Tetra Tech, the EnergIIZE Project will offer $11.4 million total infrastructure incentives for transit agencies and $22.2 million for drayage fleets...
The project is funded by the California Energy Commission and covers up to 75 percent of eligible infrastructure equipment and software costs for projects up to $750,000.
California and Ontario continue to lead deployments in the U.S. and Canada, respectively, while small ZEBs have seen a 42 percent increase year-over-year.
Calexico On Demand, which launched Jan. 9, is a tech-enabled microtransit service designed to expand access to flexible, equitable mobility for seniors, low-income and youth populations...
The analysis shows Mexico can achieve 36 percent new zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle sales by 2030 if it sets ambitious policy goals and creates a supportive ecosystem...
Experts and innovation leaders laud new technologies and increasing ranges but note ZEB and ZET sales are falling short of needed targets to reach climate goals.
The report credits federal and state incentives and investments for the increase and calls on the Biden Administration to significantly increase federal funding available for ...
America’s zero-emission bus fleet is on the move and while still in early adoption stages, the strong year-to-year growth tells an important story: ZEBs are being adopted in all...
The California State Transportation Agency has announced 28 recipients for more than $2.6 billion dollars in Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program grants for transformative...
The CALSTART Board of Directors has announced new board officers. The new Chair will be Karen Hamberg, vice president of industry and government relations at Westport Fuel Systems...
CALSTART has announced “Charge to Work,” a first-of-its-kind EV Workplace Charging initiative to increase the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the greater New York City ...
A new CALSTART report indicated that California’s climate and energy policies are not only helping to protect the environment and improve air quality, but are also helping to ...
Nearly 60 producers and providers of clean fuels – ranging from electricity to renewable diesel – signed a joint letter urging state policymakers to sustain the state’s low carbon...
California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. joined government, climate, business, environmental justice and community leaders today in Los Angeles to sign landmark legislation – SB 350...