Planet Halo

San Carlos, CA 94070


About Planet Halo


864 Laurel Street, Suite 150
San Carlos, CA 94070
United States

More Info on Planet Halo

Planet Halo
Logo Planet Halo 11109054

Planet Halo is a mobile Video recording system for deployment in various consumer and fleet applications.

Products and Press Releases

Planet Halo
Planet Halo will unveil the PH4 video recorder at BusCon.

Planet Halo Introduces Latest Multi-Channel Video Recorder For the Transportation Industry

Aug. 13, 2013
Innovative all-in-one device records video inside and outside the vehicle including side mounted cameras and includes GPS-based vehicle tracking, audio, and event alerts.
Planet Halo
Planet Halo will unveil the PH4 video recorder at BusCon.

PH4 Multi-Channel Video Recorder

Aug. 11, 2013
Two high-resolution camera lenses, GPS module, audio recorder, G-force sensor, speaker, and mini-DVR Sleek design 4” x 2 ¼” x 1”

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