
San Mateo, CA 94402


About moovit

Moovit is a leader in MaaS and the world's number one urban mobility app. Moovit helps cities, agencies and operators improve urban mobility in their cities.


400 Concar Dr.
San Mateo, CA 94402
United States of America

More Info on moovit

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Moovit is a leader in MaaS and the world's number one urban mobility app. Moovit helps cities, agencies and operators improve urban mobility in their cities. 

Products and Press Releases

Mobile Applications

JTA becomes first transit agency in U.S. to offer Cash App for mobile ticketing

The Cash App feature will be integrated through the MyJTA mobile app, allowing riders to pay for all public transportation JTA provides via Cash App.
Mobile Applications

Moovit expands coverage across 13 states

July 10, 2023
Moovit's expansion into an additional 168 cities in the U.S. will also add 1,372 new routes and 41,196 new stops across the country.
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Mobile Applications

MCDOT launches Ride On Trip Planner app

The app was created in partnership with Moovit and functions as a tool to help plan public transit trips, outsourcing into Ride On buses, Metrorail and Metrobuses, scooters and...
Autonomous Vehicles

Moovit, May Mobility partner to ensure autonomous mobility in public transit

April 18, 2023
The partnership will allow riders to easily plan, pay and ride in shared autonomous vehicles while providing them a safe, accessible and sustainable form of mobility in regions...
Moovit and city of Tampa logo
Mobile Applications

City of Tampa’s Mobility Department looking for 200 people to participate in MaaS pilot with Moovit

Dec. 8, 2022
The city has pressed Moovit to expand more into addressing gaps in the access to transit and improve the connectivity between modes of transportation by building out its transit...
Smart Components Highlighted Us
Mobile Applications

Moovit unveils smarter, more personalized journey in 112 countries

July 25, 2022
The urban mobility app’s newest features offer users in 3,500 cities a personalized mobility experience that considers individuals’ unique travel needs, preferences and day-to...
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Car Sharing

Wave Transit officially launches RideMicro on-demand service for Wilmington residents

Jan. 19, 2022
Customers can now plan, pay and ride transit on-demand.
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Bicycle & Scooter Sharing

LINK by Superpedestrian partners with Moovit to scoot into more than 40 cities across eight countries

Nov. 12, 2021
Moovit users will now be able to view in real-time where a LINK vehicle is available nearby, how long it will take to walk there and compare LINK e-scooter rides with other modes...

Articles & News

WeWALK user sitting in a passenger train

Moovit and WeWALK partner to improve transit navigation for blind and partially sighted

The companies will work to merge WeWALK’s smart cane, including voice assistance capabilities, with Moovit’s Transit API to improve navigation for users.
Moovit has rolled out real-time crowding information in its app.
Mobile Applications

Moovit releases real-time crowding, wheelchair accessible feature for its app

Feb. 17, 2021
Moovit has rolled out two new features to promote safer and more comfortable transit rides: Real-time crowding information and wheelchair accessibility.
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Mobile Applications

More mobility options now available through Lyft’s app

Oct. 7, 2019
The shared-ride provider has long-standing partnerships with several transit agencies, but has now integrated additional mobility options such as bikes and scooters.
Both images courtesy of RTD
Rtd Uber Mash Up
Mobile Applications

Uber's app integrates transit in first-of-its-kind partnership with RTD

Feb. 1, 2019
Denver customers will now be able to see transit options when using the Uber app, creating an end-to-end travel experience.
Maryland Transit Authority (MTA)
Paul Comfort.

Best Practices: First-Last Mile Strategies

Aug. 15, 2016
Baltimore, Md.Paul ComfortAdministrator and CEOMaryland Transit AdministrationOne of the longest running challenges for any transit agency is how to effectively get riders from...
Alex Mackenzie Torres.
Alt. Mobility

Providing Access to Local Transit Options

Aug. 15, 2016
With more than 8 billion people in the world and only 900 million cars, we’re learning that the one person, one car model is not a sustainable or even desirable one for the future...

All content from moovit

Bicycle & Scooter Sharing

Lime, Moovit create micromobility integration in global MaaS partnership

July 29, 2021
As commuters return to the office, Moovit users in 117 cities across 20 countries will be able to add available Lime scooters, bikes and mopeds as options in planning their journeys...
Suffolk County Transit riders can plan and pay for their trip from a single app.
Mobile Applications

Suffolk County launches single app to plan, pay for rides

July 2, 2021
The move is a result of a partnership between the county, Moovit and Masabi.
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Mobile Applications

Long Beach Transit and Moovit to provide riders with real-time planning app

April 7, 2021
As the community emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, Long Beach Transit and Moovit want to make multi-modal mobility planning easier through the app.
Passenger Info

Moovit reveals its annual Globel Public Transport Report

Jan. 28, 2021
Moovit’s experience with mobility patterns will enable Mobileye to begin offering Robotaxi serivces in 2022 to fulfill the companies’ shared MaaS vision.
Smart moovit
Shared Mobility

SMART Bus, Moovit launch first on-demand shared transit service in Farmington and Farmington Hills

Dec. 1, 2020
By using Moovit app’s on-demand service, SMART Bus riders can now use a new form of mobility with SMART Quick Connect.
Moovit is helping transit agencies and enterprises get essential works to and from work while mitigating the spread of COVID-19.

Moovit launches emergency mobilization on-demand to help essential workers during COVID-19

April 6, 2020
Moovit’s new shared transit solution can help public and private companies transform unused vehicle fleets into an on-demand service.

Moovit reaches 100th country milestone, appoints new vice president of business development

Feb. 24, 2020
Uli Gal-Oz has been named to the position to help further expand Moovit’s U.S. presence and manage strategic partnerships.
Moovit Logo On White
Mobile Applications

Moovit leverages AR technology, launches Way Finder to help guide users

Feb. 7, 2020
Moovit has released a new augmented reality feature for better navigation.
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Moovit unveils its 2019 Global Public Transport Report

Jan. 16, 2020
Big data analysis from millions of trip requests combined with user research reveals valuable insights about the way people get around cities.