PVTA Introduces First Battery Electric Buses into Fleet
Dec. 16, 2016
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) has purchased three 40-foot Catalyst FC battery electric buses, two fast chargers and one depot charger. Serving 24 member communities that rely upon its fleet of 186 mass transit buses.
In addition to MassDOT funds, PVTA purchased the Proterra Catalyst FC buses with funds from the federal highway and Federal Transit Administration.
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) has purchased three 40-foot Catalyst FC battery electric buses, two fast chargers and one depot charger. Serving 24 member communities that rely upon its fleet of 186 mass transit buses, PVTA is the largest regional transit authority in Massachusetts. These electric buses produce zero tailpipe emissions, with each bus displacing 243,980 pounds of CO2 annually for every diesel bus replacement.
PVTA’s new battery electric buses have a completely different design than the rest of the fleet. These new buses are black with a lightening design surging through the bus. The battery electric bus will serve communities along PVTA’s Route P21E in Holyoke and Springfield. In addition to MassDOT funds, PVTA purchased the Proterra Catalyst FC buses with funds from the Federal Highway and Transit Administration.
“As part of our vision at PVTA, we are committed to expand upon projects that reduce energy consumption and increase access to clean, efficient mass transit” said Mary MacInnes, PVTA administrator.