Power Conversions Inc.

Nashville, TN 37215


About Power Conversions Inc.


P.O. Box 150203
Nashville, TN 37215
United States of America
(425) 487-1337

More Info on Power Conversions Inc.

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Power Conversions Inc., in Nashville, Tennessee, converts an older diesel or gasoline powered Gillig transit bus into a quite, zero-emission bus. The company has pre-engineered conversion kits to make the retrofitting process as smooth as possible. Since the bus is compatible with existing buses in fleets, the drivers adapt easily to the electric bus.

Products and Press Releases

Power Conversions
Pre-engineered conversion kits.

Power Conversions Provides Turn Key Converts from Diesel to Electric

May 4, 2017
Power Conversions Inc., has announced that it plans to convert diesel and gasoline buses into 100 percent Quite Electric Buses with zero emissions.

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