The project will add 1.7 miles of bus lanes on the upper east and upper west sides, improving the commutes for 15,500 weekday bus riders on the M96 and M106 routes.
The agency notes that when enforcement cameras are activated, on average, routes see bus lane speeds increased by five percent, a 20 percent reduction in collisions and a five...
Formerly known as Automated Bus Lane Enforcement, the ACE program expands on ABLE cameras, issuing violations for vehicles double parked or illegally parked at bus stops in addition...
The technologies are part of the Customer Experience, Resilience and Curb Activity challenges that will now move to an eight-week proof of concept phase.
This year’s competition is calling for tech-driven approaches to support the agencies’ objectives in customer experience, resiliency and curb management.
The Request for Information is the first phase of a multi-step procurement process to modernize the fare gates in the New York City subway system that will help enhance accessibility...
ABLE cameras capture drivers violating bus lane rules in real-time and are aimed at deterring motorists from blocking the lanes to improve bus service and reduce crashes.
The Curb Management Action Plan includes 10 concrete steps to better design and manage the curb lane to reflect the increasingly wide range of needs of residents, workers, visitors...
Request More Information
All content from New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT)
The previous construction start date for Phase 2 of the project, along with receipt of an approved Small Starts FFGA in 2023 has come and gone, while estimated costs have continued...
September 2023 was the third anniversary of former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's abandonment for advancement of his $2.7 billion Brooklyn Queens Streetcar Connector project...
With the activation on the Q58, MTA will have 555 buses equipped with ABLE cameras on 19 routes across Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens.