2019 40 Under 40: Casey Fromson

Sept. 13, 2019
Casey Fromson, Director of Government and Community Affairs for Caltrain, SamTrans and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority

  • One word to describe yourself: Insightful
  • Alma Mater: University of Washington
  • Favorite book: “Nudge” by Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler
  • Favorite TV show: “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
  • Favorite hobby(s): Outdoor adventures (of any kind, from camping in the Redwoods to playing at the beach) with my husband Peter and two-year old daughter Riley.
  • Fun fact about yourself: I spent three weeks hiking in the Himalayas of Bhutan and I used to be a jammer on a roller derby team.
  • Favorite route you have ever ridden or frequent (and why): Caltrain - As a daily Caltrain commuter, I appreciate the efficient, clean, relaxing ride but I also understand how much work goes on behind the scenes.

As director of Government and Community Affairs, Casey Fromson leads the political and community engagement for the San Mateo County Transit District, which manages three separate transit agencies – Caltrain, a commuter rail that runs from San Francisco, Calif., to Gilroy through the heart of the Silicon Valley; SamTrans, which manages bus and paratransit services in San Mateo County; and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority, which funds small and large scale transportation programs and projects.

Fromson has been a key force behind the electrification of the Caltrain rail system, leading a monumental effort to fully fund the $1.9 billion project. After securing $1.3 billion from local, regional and state commitments, the project was on the cusp of receiving a full funding agreement from the federal government when the administration changed in 2017. Fromson led a concerted and coordinated nationwide campaign that activated the tireless support of Caltrain's federal and state delegation, private sector partners (including titans in Silicon Valley's tech sector), riders and fellow public agencies to overcome the possible loss of federal funding. The project will ease congestion in one of the country's most economically productive regions while paving the way for a more than 175,000-ton reduction of greenhouse gases annually.

Fromson also recently directed the transit district’s engagement in one of the largest outreach programs ever seen in San Mateo County to develop a transportation expenditure plan. This plan led to the voter approved 2018 Measure W, which is projected to bring in approximately $90 million a year in taxes for the next 30 years. Fromson is currently overseeing the political engagement for the creation of a Strategic Plan for the San Mateo County Transportation Authority and for the Caltrain Business Plan. Both plans will help develop a better understanding of the region’s future transportation needs and will identify opportunities and strategies for how the district can support those needs.

“Throughout my professional career, I have been a public servant, working on issues that help communities. Before moving to California, I worked in Washington, D.C., for seven years, as the legislative director for U.S. Rep. Eshoo and as a legislative aide for U.S. Senator Patty Murray.”

“I enjoy communicating with people about projects, plans and policies that will shape the region’s future transportation options. Our major projects and plans will only be successful with broad coalitions of support and I enjoy building that foundation of trust and meaningful dialogue. I also work with a great team.”

“Working for three agencies that span 40 plus cities and four counties provides plenty of challenges but also great variety. The diverse nature of the work keeps me on my toes and ready to shift gears at a moment’s notice.”

“Be a good listener, come prepared, follow-up and treat others as you would want to be treated.”

“If we provide great public transit, we will create stronger communities, support a more sustainable travel mode and make a positive impact in people’s everyday lives.”