International Monorail Association (IMA)



About International Monorail Association (IMA)


Sluithek 6, NL- 3831 PB

More Info on International Monorail Association (IMA)

International Monorail Association
Ima Logo 11140906

The International Monorail Association is a members association of registered companies whose mission is to organize the global monorail sector, promote the application of monorail, publish information, and establish performance standards for monorail for public mass transport infrastructure.

Products and Press Releases

International Monorail Association
Daegu 3-wagon train set build by Woojin, Korea (Hitachi licensee) ready for service.
Alt. Mobility

Korea: MonoRailEx 2013 Conference & Trade Show Attracts Worldwide Attention

Sept. 3, 2013
Monorailex 2013 Conference and Trade Show Oct. 7-8 in Daegu, Korea, provides quality information about this fast growing alternative safe and efficient means of moving large numbers...

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