RTC Seeks Public Input on Regional Plan that Shapes the Future of Biking in Southern Nevada
In an ongoing effort to increase biking and walking in Southern Nevada, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is seeking public input on the draft Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The plan proposes an improved network for bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and identifies policies and programs to support walking and biking in the valley.
Community members are encouraged to review the draft map of current and proposed bike pathways and facilities, and submit their comments by Wednesday, Nov. 30. Survey respondents will also receive a 20 percent off coupon to REI when they complete the mapping survey.
The RTC’s efforts to expand and provide safer transportation options for cyclists and pedestrians support Southern Nevada Strong's vision to create multi-modal interconnected streets and communities that increase the use of transit, walking and other modes of transportation.
The Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is funded in part by the Southern Nevada Health District through the Partnerships to Improve Community Health grant from the Centers for Disease Control.