With a clean slate of executives and managers appropriately seated, the new administration for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority made certain everyone on board shared the JTA’s goals to:
An objective assessment of the current system showed JTA bus service was not attracting the number of customers it could, particularly given the level of investment.
While some issues were obvious, JTA needed to more deeply assess the system and restructure routes prior to launching the First Coast Flyer (BRT) to support JTA’s case to be the lead regional transit provider. With strong Board support and CEO directive, JTA’s planning staff began down the path of what would become the most comprehensive route overhaul in the authority’s recent history.
This case study walks through the process of the assessment, outcomes and lessons learned.
The document can be downloaded at https://www.jtafla.com/media/Documents/General/Case%20Study/roi_casestudy/1022/roi_casestudy.pdf