SMTD opens Junction Circle Transfer Point
Sangamon Mass Transit District (SMTD) says that long-awaiting construction of a bus parking lane and shelter at the Junction Circle Transfer Point has been completed.
“The construction of the shelter was completed yesterday,” said Steve Schoeffel, SMTD’s deputy managing director, “and we plan to begin operating from the new site, Friday, June 28th.”
Junction Circle connects Stanford Avenue to the north and S. MacArthur to the west and serves as a mini-hub for SMTD routes running further south and west.
“The Junction Circle Transfer Point connects several western and southern routes to downtown with the Transfer Center Express Route,” added Schoeffel. “As anyone who lives in the area knows, weather has been a challenge as far as completing construction, but we are happy to begin operating this week from the location as originally designed.”
SMTD is planning to add additional structure to the new shelter for more protection from the elements, and some landscaping is still to be completed. However, SMTD did not want those additions to delay shifting operations to the site as soon as possible.