Hogan Administration awards nearly $1.5 million for innovative public transportation projects in Maryland
The Hogan Administration announced the award of eight Statewide Transit Innovation Grants (STIG) totaling $1,481,190 to Baltimore City and six Maryland counties for projects designed to improve transit service.
The STIG program, administered by the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA), allows local transit agencies and county officials to apply for state funding to plan, design or construct innovative transit projects.
“The Statewide Transit Innovation Grants program is supporting local transit projects that will benefit all Marylanders,” said MDOT Secretary Pete K. Rahn.
STIG grants are being awarded to:
Allegany County ($210,000) to construct a central mobility hub at Frostburg State University and conduct an impact study related to the creation of a mobility hub in Cumberland. These mobility hubs provide centralized locations for buses, provide additional information to riders, and enhance amenities for operators, including restrooms.
Baltimore City ($112,000) to install curb extensions, known as bus bulbs, at select bus stops throughout the city to increase transit reliability and safety. The locations were prioritized to provide better service to customers at shared MDOT MTA and Charm City Circulator stops.
Frederick County ($24,000) to conduct a comprehensive inventory of all TransIT bus stops and prioritize for ADA improvements that will include ramps and improved sidewalks. The county will also create a visual database for passengers to view a bus stop prior to their trip.
Garrett County ($13,190) to procure automatic scheduling software and passenger notification software.
Howard County ($400,000) to develop maintenance agreements for stops that are shared with the Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) bus system, consolidate eligible stops with RTA, install new sidewalk connections and bus pads, and install or repair existing bus shelters.
Montgomery County ($472,000) to purchase and upgrade software to improve efficiencies in data collection, tracking and reporting, including easier access and assignment for operators.
Prince George’s County ($130,000) to conduct a feasibility study on the development and implementation of future microtransit, a flexible and responsive type of transit; and a second grant ($120,000) to evaluate the feasibility of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) within the county.
“We are pleased to assist local communities with innovative projects that enhance their rider’s transit experience,” said MDOT MTA Administrator Kevin Quinn.