TriMet riders to start using new type of station built for Division Transit Project

March 26, 2021
New bus stations on Division at 130th and 135th that include bike lanes at the front of the platform will open to Line 2 riders on April 4.

Beginning April 4, riders on TriMet’s Line 2-Division will begin using select Division Transit Project bus stations.

These are stations that are shared by cyclists and pedestrians, as well as people using mobility devices. Cyclists are required to stop when approaching the station at the “wait here” marking, if a bus is stopped for riders. The first two stations to open on Division are at 130th Avenue eastbound and 135th Avenue westbound.  

TriMet is opening these two Division Transit Project stations for Line 2 use now and others will follow this spring to benefit riders and improve access to safer crossings. Station amenities, including shelters with TransitTracker, seating and trash cans will be added to the stations before service opens in fall 2022. The Division Transit Project is a new, faster and higher capacity bus service that will run on the Division Street corridor between Gresham and Portland.

Here’s how riders and bicyclists will use the shared stations:

  • Wait for the bus near the shelter.
  • Move toward the crosswalk markings that cross the bike lane at the front of the platform.
  • Before crossing the bike lane, look out for cyclists.
  • Cyclists are required to stop at the white bike stop marking where the green paint begins when a bus is serving the station.
  • When exiting a bus at the station, keep an eye out for cyclists before crossing the bike lane.

The Shared Bicycle and Pedestrian design is one of four Division Transit Project station types. They will be the most common station type. Nineteen of the project’s more than 80 stations will use this design, which accommodates the limited space available in some sections along the Division Street corridor.

Division Transit Project

Set to open in the fall of 2022, the Division Transit Project will bring faster and more reliable bus service to the 15-mile stretch of Division Street between Gresham, Tilikum Crossing, Bridge of the People and Downtown Portland. The project’s 60-foot articulated buses will be longer, with room for 60 percent more riders and multiple-door boarding for quicker stops. TriMet is also installing transit signal priority technology—traffic signals prioritize bus travel, getting riders to their destinations faster. These improvements are projected to make bus trips on Division at least 20 percent faster, with buses running every 12 minutes and even more often during rush hour, when the project officially opens in the fall of 2022.