American Public Transportation Association Recognizes Tom Petri at National Ceremony
On Oct. 14, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) recognized U.S. Representative Tom Petri (R-WI) at its national conference in Houston with its National Distinguished Service Award.
In its announcement of the award, APTA notes that Petri is being honored for making, “significant contributions at the national level to public transportation through policy, legislative initiative, and leadership.”
“Through his far-reaching influence in Federal transportation policy, Congressman Petri has left his mark in a number of significant ways,” APTA continues. “Well known as a prudent steward of Federal funds, Congressman Petri has called for a serious debate on how to ensure a long-term, dedicated funding solution for the Highway Trust Fund and has decried the ‘budget gimmicks’ Congress has relied on of late as stop-gap measures.”
APTA notes Petri’s “three decades as a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee” including his service as “Chairman of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee for two major surface transportation reauthorization bills and as Chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee where he oversaw the 2012 FAA reauthorization effort.” The organization describes how Petri has made the case through congressional hearings and advocacy for greater coordination of federal programs to maximize the benefit for riders, particularly the disabled and seniors.
Petri was unable to attend the conference in Houston, but will be presented with his award at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., in December.
In a video message Petri recorded for the conference, the longtime Chairman of the House Highways and Transit Subcommittee said, “I am honored to receive this award, and I have enjoyed working with members of the American Public Transportation Association over the years to make public transit a key part of our nation’s transportation network.”
Expanding on his vision of how transit works in our nation’s transportation system, Petri states, “I look at our transportation system as a whole, with many important parts making it work effectively. Some may value one mode of transportation or another depending on where they live and how they utilize the transportation network. But the fact is that we all travel and we all benefit from the successful integration of our highways, transit systems, railroads, airways, and waterways.”
Petri thanked his Wisconsin colleagues and singled out Gary Goyke with the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association for special appreciation: “I want to particularly thank my partners in Wisconsin for the great relationship we’ve had over the years to improve transit in our state — the Wisconsin DOT, transit operators, and others like Gary Goyke, a former electoral foe who is now a friend and partner, have been instrumental in promoting effective transit.”
Petri has served on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee since 1983, and has served in Congress since April 1979. In addition to serving as Chairman of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee since 2013, he served as the Ranking Member or Chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee from 2007 – 2013, as Ranking Member or Chairman of the subcommittee with jurisdiction over highways and transit from 1993 – 2007, as Ranking Member of the Water Resources Subcommittee from 1991 - 1993, and as Ranking Member of the Public Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee from 1989 - 1991.