DART Commission Honors Boswell, Latham and Harkin
The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) Commission on Sept. 17, honored former Iowa Congressman Leonard Boswell, Congressman Tom Latham and Senator Tom Harkin with the Leaders in Motion award. The Leaders in Motion award was established by the DART Commission to honor those who have been champions for a vibrant and sustainable public transit system.
“Since 1993, these gentlemen have helped to bring nearly $45 million in capital investments for public transit to greater Des Moines,” said DART Commission Chairman Steve Peterson. Highlights of those investments include:
- The Center Street Park and Ride
- Facility improvements to the operations and maintenance facility on DART Way
- Numerous replacement buses
- A new farebox system that is currently in the works
- And last, but not least, DART Central Station
The Commission’s goal in the creation of the Leaders in Motion award is to highlight these past efforts and encourage the next generation of leaders to champion the cause of public transit as well.
“A vibrant transit system requires many leaders across the region, and we are so grateful for these gentlemen’s work,” said Peterson.