Metropolitan St. Louis Transit Agency’s MetroBus will keep 80 of the 450 proposed bus stops to be removed or relocated after receiving community feedback.
About 370 MetroBus stops in St. Louis County and in the city are being or will be removed or relocated.
At the end of June, rider alert signs were attached to each of the bus stops that were identified for relocation or removal. On July 15, Metro Transit began the long process of relocating or removing some of those 450 bus stops, which are all located in the city of St. Louis and in St. Louis County.
The stops were identified during a comprehensive analysis of the spacing of the more than 5,400 bus stops that are currently part of the MetroBus system in Missouri. This analysis identified certain bus stops as being in close proximity to another stop, typically within one block. By relocating or removing these stops, MetroBus operators will be able to improve on-time performance by avoiding making more frequent stops, block after block, which slow down bus commutes as well as slow down vehicle traffic on the street.
To inform riders about bus stop changes, Metro Transit provides two-weeks advance notice of any change in transit service. It’s important to keep in mind MetroBus will continue to serve all selected bus stops until they’ve been relocated or removed.
Metro Transit planners make changes to MetroBus service every quarter in order to create a more efficient transit system. These regular quarterly changes are not part of the Metro Reimagined project.