The Comet will be implementing service enhancements come August 19
The Central Midlands Transit (Comet) will start implementing service enhancements to improve on-time performance by rescheduling routes in a new pulse system which will be created at Comet Central on Laurel and Sumter Street in downtown Columbia, as well as at SuperStops located through Richland and Lexington Counties.
As part of the new pulse system, most routes will depart Comet Central at 15 and 45 past the hour. This will allow passengers the opportunity to make transfers for a five-minute period, since all of the routes will arrive at the same time. This change will reduce travel times for over 60 percent of Comet passengers traveling crosstown. Other enhancements include:
· The 501 on Two Notch Road will operate every 20 minutes between 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and every 30 minutes all other times, including weekends.
· Route 96L is a new route serving only Cayce and West Columbia with connections to Route 91 at Kmart for travel into Columbia or to Springdale every 60 minutes and replaces Route 26.
· Soda Cap Connector Orbit route is a downtown circulator that will travel on Sumter, Blossom, Assembly and Richland Streets every 30 minutes, seven days a week and its free.
· Route 45 will operate every 30 minutes all day on weekdays and connect with the 401.
· Routes 46 and 47 in the Lower Richland and Eastover area will become flex routes and Route 47 will operate on Saturday, plus serve the Congaree National Park.
· Route 83L will be extended to Dutch Square Center and travel to Midlands Technical College – Harbison via St. Andrews Road, Harbison Boulevard and Prisma Health Baptist Parkridge. Al lRoute 83L trips will become Route 84 at Dutch Square Center to travel to Riverbanks Zoo and downtown Columbia.
· Route 77 is extended to Polo Road and Two Notch Road.
· New SuperStops created at Dutch Square Center, Patterson and Garners Ferry Walmart, Harden and Taylor, and West Columbia Kmart.