MV Transportation awarded contract to operate Wheels fixed-route bus
The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) Board of Directors voted to award MV Transportation (MV) a three-year contract to operate and maintain the Wheels fixed-route bus system. The new contract reflects an increase in wages for the existing workforce and includes new standards for technology and innovation.
“MV has been operating Wheels bus service since 2007,” said MV President and CEO Kevin Klika. “This contract award builds our partnership with LAVTA and is foundational to MV’s footprint in the Bay Area, underscoring MV’s proven ability to deliver safe, reliable and efficient fixed route services.”
Under the contract, MV will be responsible for the operations, safety, dispatching, road supervision and maintenance for LAVTA facilities and vehicles. The new agreement will be effective July 2025 through June 2028. The board considered MV’s cost proposal against the others at current service levels and found MV’s to be the best value.
“It is clear to me that MV is committed to the workforce and that commitment set MV apart from the other proposers,” said LAVTA Board of Directors Chair Evan Branning. “We are excited to extend this partnership with MV and continue to deliver quality, safe and professional bus service throughout the Tri-Valley.”