NCRTD begins transition plan to zero-emissions fleet

June 12, 2023
The transition plan evaluates the current and planned facilities to determine how ZEBs can be accommodated, financial and funding efforts and how the NCRTD workforce can support a zero-emissions fleet.

The North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD) has begun transitioning its fleet to zero-emission buses (ZEBs). The transition plan evaluates the current and planned facilities to determine how ZEBs can be accommodated, financial and funding efforts and how the NCRTD workforce can support a zero-emission fleet.

The district plans on incorporating charging stations at various current and planned facilities across the state. The recently constructed Española facility was built with ZEBs in mind, and construction of future facilities will also incorporate charging capacity. Other facilities will be modified when applicable to support ZEBs.

The transition plan also details the logistics of traveling on a fixed route while incorporating the need to stop and charge the vehicle to ensure that route efficiency and service is maintained. Future testing will be done to clarify route times and needs.

Significant investments are required for the success of this transition plan. Funding is expected to come from various grant opportunities at the federal and state level. With nationwide movements to support environmental sustainability, the district hopes to receive substantial funding for the success of this project.

Additionally, the district recognizes the workforce is a critical component of the success of the project. Employees will be trained on the necessary skills pertaining to their job duties in relation to a zero-emission fleet.

The district is actively working towards the purchase of their first ZEBs.