A principal consultant in Parsons Brinckerhoff's strategic consulting group, Jeffrey Ensor is an expert on transit and rail policy, innovative finance, and economics. He is an advisor to senior agency executives assisting them with FTA New Starts, funding strategies and major capital investment decisions.
Ensor is driven by a passion for helping transit agencies find project solutions — from identifying alternative financing approaches, to securing federal grants, to developing the economic and business case for a new investment. In 2011, he led the New Starts applications for two of only four projects to be admitted into New Starts Preliminary Engineering. In recent years he has also been invited by the Federal Transit Administration, the American Public Transportation Association and the Transportation Research Board to present on innovations in transit finance.
Ensor, who holds a master's in transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor's in civil engineering from Washington State University, joined Parsons Brinckerhoff in 2005. He is a leader in knowledge sharing, and has been recognized within Parsons Brinckerhoff for these efforts. Ensor also mentors junior staff on projects and career development.
Ensor was project manager for the Southwest Multi-State Rail Planning Study, the first multi-state passenger rail network planning study in the United States. Sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration, the study utilized a series of workshops with transit agencies, railroads, states and metropolitan planning organizations from California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Colorado to develop a common passenger rail network vision. It also identified opportunities to improve coordination and decision-making across agencies for the benefit of an integrated southwest passenger rail network.
As deputy project manager for FRA's National Planning Study, Ensor helped develop a planning tool that identifies conceptual estimates of high-speed and intercity passenger rail corridor potential as well as the benefits of developing HSIPR corridors as part of an integrated network.
As one of the early leaders of the Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT), Ensor spearheaded monthly leadership seminars, networking events and an annual community service day; he also supported the establishment of YPT regional chapters around the country. He is also currently serving as the vice president for Membership for the Washington, D.C., Chapter of the Transportation Research Forum. He also serves on the APTA Policy & Planning Subcommittee on Rail Conference Planning and APTA's Financial Management Committee.
Make a Difference
“I've always been interested in transportation but was fortunate to have some great mentors who introduced me to the field of public transit.
“I really enjoy working at the intersection of public policy, finance, economics and problem solving. It's particularly satisfying when you help find a way to make good things happen.
“One of the things I like most about the public transit industry is the people. It's great to work with colleagues who are so passionate about making a difference in others' lives.”