The House of Representatives will begin consideration on its Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform (STRR) Act this week. The House Rules Committee began its work on the bill Monday and the bill is expected to be on the House floor in the coming days.
More than 260 amendments have been filed to the bill. The House Rules Committee will meet Tuesday to determine which amendments will be in order. Of the amendments, 181 are related to transportation-related provisions and 88 are non-transportation related provisions.
Drafted to Rules Committee Print 114-32
# Version # Sponsor(s) Party Summary Status
Version 1 King, Steve (IA), Duncan (SC), Foxx (NC), Amash (MI), Franks (AZ)
Requires that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce the prevailing rate wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act Submitted
Version 2 Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Revised Increases safety by allowing additional states that have passed distracted driving legislation to qualify for incentive grant funding Made In Order
Version 1 Nolan (MN), Crawford (AR)
Permits “covered logging vehicles”- which are considered raw or unfinished forest products including logs, pulpwood, biomass, or wood chips - that have a gross vehicle weight of no more than 99,000 pounds and has no less than six-axles to operate on a 24.152 mile segment of I-35 in Minnesota. Submitted
Version 1 Guinta (NH)
Requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study to understand the purchasing power of a federal highway dollar and quantifying the things that weaken it, such as labor and environmental regulations and other inefficiencies that cause delays and drive up the cost of projects. Made In Order
Version 3 Adams (NC)
Revised Clarifies minority groups to be targeted in human resources outreach and brings bill text in line with existing law in Title V. Revised
Version 1 Duncan (TN)
Clarifies that motor carriers who have not been prioritized for a compliance review by FMCSA due to their safe operations are equal in safety status to “satisfactory” rated carriers. Submitted
Version 1 Rooney (FL)
Provides that a state may allow, by special permit, the operation of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of up to 95,000 pounds for the hauling of livestock. The cost of a special permit may not exceed $200 per year for a livestock trailer. Submitted
Version 1 Hartzler (MO), Hudson (NC)
Repeals the authority of the Secretary of Transportation to approve as part of the construction of federal-aid highways the costs of landscape and roadside development. Submitted
Version 1 Duffy (WI), Ribble (WI)
Increases weight limit restrictions for logging vehicles on a 13-mile stretch of I-39 to match Wisconsin state law. Submitted
Version 2 DelBene (WA), Foxx (NC)
Revised Requires a report on the Frontline Workforce Development Program for each fiscal year. The report would include an evaluation of the program and policy recommendations to improve program effectiveness. Revised
Version 1 Lewis, John (GA)
Strikes Section 339 (b) of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 and make construction of Type II noise barriers eligible for funds from the surface transportation block grant program. Submitted
Version 1 Lewis, John (GA)
Strikes the graduated commercial driver’s license program language in H.R. 3763 and replaces it with a study on the safety of intrastate teen truck drivers. Submitted
Version 1 Napolitano (CA)
Requires the Secretary to consult with States to determine whether there are safety hazards or concerns specific to a State that should be taken into account when developing the regulations called for in the bill for railroad carriers to maintain a comprehensive oil spill response plan. Submitted
Version 1 Van Hollen (MD), Beyer (VA)
Removes a federal preemption and restore the full right to regulate towing to states and localities. Submitted
Version 1 Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX)
Strikes the Department of Transportation's authority to redistribute unallocated TIFIA funds. Made In Order
Version 1 Brownley (CA)
Increases the freight program small project set-aside from 10 percent to 20 percent. Submitted
Version 1 Rothfus (PA)
Permits a vehicle operated on an engine fueled by natural gas to exceed any vehicle weight limit (up to a maximum gross vehicle weight of 82,000 pounds) by an amount that is equal to the difference between the weight attributable to the natural gas tank and fueling system and the weight of a comparable diesel tank and fueling system. Submitted
Version 1 Lipinski (IL), Quigley (IL), Dold (IL)
Expresses the Sense of Congress that Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is an eligible activity under the RRIF program. Submitted
Version 1 Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman (AS), Sablan (MP)
Requires the Secretary to allocate program funds made available to the territories according to quantifiable measures that are indicative of the surface transportation requirements of each of the territories. Submitted
Version 1 DeSaulnier (CA)
Directs the U.S. Department of Transportation to study methods of inventorying roadside highway safety hardware devices (i.e. guardrails) for the purpose of improving in-service evaluation of these devices. Made In Order
Version 1 DeSaulnier (CA)
Directs states and metropolitan planning organizations to develop publicly available criteria to prioritize transportation projects. Submitted
Version 1 DeSaulnier (CA)
Expresses the sense of Congress that recipients of funding under this Act should publicly disclose any political spending. Submitted
Version 1 DeSaulnier (CA)
Establishes a peer review group and a comprehensive risk management plan to prevent cost overruns and project delays for transportation megaprojects exceeding $2.5 billion. Submitted
Version 1 Moore, Gwen (WI)
Express the Sense of Congress that the Department of Transportation should better enforce its existing rules requiring that small businesses owned by disadvantaged individuals are promptly paid for work satisfactorily completed on federally funded transportation projects. Submitted
Version 1 Moore, Gwen (WI)
Requires a GAO study on the impact of the changes made by MAP-21 to the Jobs Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) program on the ability of low-income individuals served by JARC to use public transportation to get to work. Submitted
Version 1 Russell (OK)
Prohibits Federal financial assistance for any project or activity to establish, maintain, operate, or otherwise support a streetcar service. Submitted
Version 1 Woodall (GA), Nolan (MN)
Clarifies Hours of Service rules to ensure the exemption for utility service vehicles that are essential to maintaining critical infrastructure that impacts communities, businesses, emergency personnel, and government agencies. Submitted
Version 1 Gibbs (OH), Napolitano (CA)
Requires the Secretary of Transportation to study the methods State's use to procure culvert and storm sewer materials, and report their findings to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Made In Order
Version 1 Ribble (WI), Schrader (OR), Rouzer (NC), Peterson (MN)
Give states the option of increasing the truck weight limits on their Interstate Highways from 80,000 pounds to 91,000 pounds if the trucks are equipped with an additional sixth axle. Would not impact existing exemptions already enacted under the law. Made In Order
Version 2 Duncan (TN)
Revised Requires the Department of Transportation to conduct a study on the safety of operations of a double-decker motorcoach equipped with a luggage carrier at the rear of the vehicle. Made In Order
Version 1 Lawrence (MI)
Requires the Interagency Coordination Council on Access and Mobility to submit a report to House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation containing the final recommendations of the Council. Submitted
Version 1 Sablan (MP), Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman (AS)
Allows ferry operations between two U.S. territories or between a U.S. state and territory FBP eligible. Submitted
Version 1 Schrader (OR)
Designates Interstate Route 205 in Oregon as a High Priority Corridor from its intersection with Interstate Route 5 to the Columbia River. Submitted
Version 1 Marino (PA)
Reauthorizes commercial vehicle traffic, pursuant to specified requirements and exceptions, on US Highway 209, a federally owned road within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Submitted
Version 1 Larsen, Rick (WA)
Clarifies that federal law takes precedence in setting meal and rest duty breaks for interstate trucking operations. Submitted
Version 1 Larsen, Rick (WA)
Creates an expedited process for smaller TIFIA loans backed by local revenue sources, so they can be accessible to smaller cities and counties. Submitted
Version 2 Lipinski (IL), Dold (IL), Quigley (IL)
Revised Adds transit oriented development as an eligible activity under the RRIF program. Revised
Version 2 Lipinski (IL), Comstock (VA)
Revised Focuses existing efforts at the Department of Transportation conducting research to support automated and connected vehicle technologies. Revised
Version 1 Jenkins (KS)
Clarifies that pavement preservation projects are eligible under the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects program and requires the Department of Transportation to include pavement preservation practices into its highway efficiency studies. Submitted
Version 1 Denham (CA), Brown, Corrine (FL), Costello (PA), Ashford (NE)
Clarifies the intent of Congress and ensure the motor-carrier industry can operate under one standard when engaging in commerce. Pre-empts a patchwork of 50 different state meal and rest break laws to provide certainty for regional carriers doing business. Submitted
Version 1 Garrett (NJ)
Establishes a pilot program allowing States that raise their taxes on motor fuels to opt out of the Federal Transportation Program. Submitted
Version 1 Rothfus (PA)
Exempts projects to reconstruct any road, highway, railway, bridge, or transit facility that is damaged by an emergency declared by the Governor of the State and concurred in by the Secretary of Homeland Security from any environmental reviews, approvals, licensing, and permit restrictions if reconstruction takes place in the same location and using the same design, capacity, and dimensions as before the emergency. Submitted
Version 2 Walz (MN), Lipinski (IL)
Revised Initiates a study on the levels and structure of insurance for a railroad carrier transporting hazardous materials. Revised
Version 1 Walz (MN)
Initiates a study on the levels and structure of insurance for a railroad carrier transporting hazardous materials. Submitted
Version 2 Walden (OR), Blumenauer (OR), Herrera-Beutler (WA), Graves, Garret (LA)
Revised Clarifies that projects within National Scenic Areas, and projects to increase capacity of highway segments to improve mobility, are eligible for federal funding under Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects. Made In Order
Version 1 Lowenthal (CA), Hahn (CA), Aguilar (CA)
Allows funds incorrectly designated to the Interstate Maintenance Discretionary program in FY2010 to be made available under the Surface Transportation program. Submitted
Version 1 Schweikert (AZ)
Creates a pilot program for reduction of department-owned vehicles and increase in use of ride-sharing services. Submitted
Version 1 Schweikert (AZ)
Creates a study and report on reducing the amount of vehicles in federal fleets and replacing necessary vehicles with ride-sharing services. Submitted
Version 1 Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Authorizes the Secretary to annually allocate funds to States for the maintenance of earthen school bus route on Native American reservations. Submitted
Version 2 Graves, Garret (LA)
Revised Amends the nationally significant freight and highway projects program to allow consideration for projects to improve energy security and emergency evacuation routes. Revised
Version 1 Brown, Corrine (FL), Titus (NV), Rice (SC)
Creates a National Advisory Committee on Travel and Tourism Infrastructure which will advise the Secretary of Transportation on infrastructure needs related to the use of the nation’s intermodal transportation network to facilitate travel and tourism. Made In Order
Version 1 Young, Don (AK), Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Withdrawn Extends current reduced non-federal match requirements enjoyed by eligible States to the municipalities within those states that receive their FTA grant funding directly from the Federal Government. Withdrawn
Version 1 Young, Don (AK), Cole (OK), Huffman (CA), Larsen, Rick (WA), Kilmer (WA), Kirkpatrick (AZ), Moore, Gwen (WI), Hastings, Alcee (FL), Lujan (NM)
Withdrawn Allows the Secretary to restore to tribes the funds deducted from the Tribal Transportation Program as a result of the obligation limitation deduction, without reducing in any way the amount of unused obligation authority available to state DOT's. Withdrawn
Version 1 Cohen (TN), LoBiondo (NJ), Langevin (RI)
Allows local transit agencies that have demonstrated para-transit improvement activities the flexibility to use up to 20 percent of their Section 5307 funds. Submitted
Version 1 Esty (CT), Bustos (IL)
Requires the Secretary of Transportation to provide a 30 day notice and comment period before issuing a Buy America waiver for highway, transit, and rail projects, and to publish a detailed explanation for each waiver in the Federal Register. Submitted
Version 1 Moore, Gwen (WI)
Requires the Department of Transportation to review its requirements regarding the gathering of state specific data regarding DBE payments and participation to ensure that current and previous data is being made publicly available so that progress in this area can be more easily tracked. Submitted
Version 1 Moore, Gwen (WI)
Requires the Secretary to prioritize funding in the discretionary bus and bus capital grant programs to applicants who will use the new equipment as part of efforts to attract new transit riders or to improve bus service so that transportation disadvantaged populations can have more reliable and timely access to employment centers, including those in suburban areas. Submitted
Version 2 Moore, Gwen (WI)
Revised Allows current teen traffic safety funding to be used to support school-based driver’s education classes that promote safe driving and help meet the state’s graduated driving license requirements, including behind the wheel training. Revised
Version 1 Culberson (TX), Herrera-Beutler (WA), Green, Al (TX)
Provides that if the applicant for federal funding is required to obtain voter approval before issuing debt for a new fixed guideway project, this amendment would require that applicant to include the following information on the ballot: the total cost of the project; the amount of debt to be incurred to finance the project; the mode of transportation; the route (including the beginning and end points of the proposed route); and duration of the project. Submitted
Version 1 Crawford (AR), Nolan (MN)
Permits specific vehicles to use a designated three-miles on U.S. 63 in Arkansas during daylight hours only. The exemption wold eliminate the need for construction of an access road and would qualify the entire road for the designation as Interstate 555. Submitted
Version 1 Crawford (AR), Ashford (NE)
Establishes a three-year pilot program to allow CDL license holders under the age of 21 years to operate vehicles transporting agricultural items across state lines within a 150-mile air radius. If the Department of Transportation finds no negative impact to safety the program will be made permanent. Submitted
Version 1 Lipinski (IL), Comstock (VA)
Allows the Department of Transportation to conduct research into freight transportation with an emphasis on increasing safety and efficiency. Submitted
Version 1 Culberson (TX)
Requires local transit entity to have a debt to equity ratio of at least 1:1 in order to be eligible for federal funds. Submitted
Version 3 Cummings (MD)
Revised Requires submission of a report on technologies for identifying track defects to improve rail safety Revised
Version 1 Hahn (CA)
Directs the Secretary to conduct a study of the feasibility, costs, and economic impact of burying power lines underground. Submitted
Version 1 Blumenauer (OR), Buchanan (FL)
Increases the number of states eligible for funding through the nonmotorized National Priority Safety Program, and double the funding for that program. Made In Order
Version 1 Neugebauer (TX), Farenthold (TX), Bustos (IL)
Provides an exemption for various drivers in the agriculture industry with Class A CDLs so that they would no longer need to obtain a Hazardous Materials endorsement to transport more than 118 gallons of fuel, up to 1,000 gallons. Submitted
Version 1 Carter, Buddy (GA)
Increases the availability of funds for use in urbanized areas from 50 percent to 100 percent. Expands the ability to divert funds to critical infrastructure projects. Submitted
Version 1 Carter, Buddy (GA)
Withdrawn Removes provisions under the Transportation Alternatives Program to allow for funding to be directed to more critical infrastructure projects. Withdrawn
Version 1 Perry (PA)
Increases from $2,000 to $1,500,000 the contract threshold requiring the locally prevailing wage rate to be paid to those employed on federally funded transportation projects. Submitted
Version 1 Perry (PA)
Increases from $2,000 to $150,000 the contract threshold requiring the locally prevailing wage rate to be paid to those employed on federally funded transportation projects. Submitted
Version 1 Perry (PA)
Permits communities to draw down additional federal transit dollars to help subsidized expanded transit service provided by a private entity. The dollars drawn down could not be used to compete with any existing service in a given area and would only be used if the private investment is realized. Submitted
Version 1 Fitzpatrick (PA), Bustos (IL)
Allows Veteran Owned Small Businesses to participate in an existing small business contracting program. Submitted
Version 1 Fitzpatrick (PA)
Clarifies that Section 130 funds may be used for projects that eliminate hazards posed by blocked grade crossings due to idling trains, such as when an ambulance or fire truck is blocked and unable to respond to an emergency. Submitted
Version 1 Ellison (MN), Grijalva (AZ), Waters (CA), Huffman (CA)
Directs the Department of Transportation to create performance measures for transportation planning that would assess: transportation accessibility for low-income and minority populations and people with disabilities; cumulative increase in residents’ connection to jobs; and the variety of transportation choices available to users, such as public transportation, bike and pedestrian pathways, and roads and highways. Submitted
Version 1 Farenthold (TX), Babin (TX), Green, Gene (TX)
Allows for only certain trucks with current weight exemptions to be allowed to continue riding at those higher weight exemptions once certain segments of Texas State Highways are converted into Interstate 69. Submitted
Version 1 Napolitano (CA), Calvert (CA), Royce (CA)
Changes the degradation standard of an HOV lane from maintaining an average operating speed above 45mph over a consecutive 180-day period during peak hours from 90% of the time to 50% of the time. Submitted
Version 1 Hanna (NY), Maloney, Sean (NY)
Adds a Sense of Congress that the engineering industry provides critical technical expertise, innovation, and local expertise to federal and state agencies to efficiently deliver surface transportation projects and urges the Secretary to reinforce these partnerships. Made In Order
Version 1 Foster (IL)
Withdrawn Eliminates the rural set-aside for the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects Competitive Grant. Withdrawn
Version 1 Esty (CT), Quigley (IL)
Authorizes $270,000,000 to be used by qualifying railroad carriers to implement positive train control. Submitted
Version 1 Foster (IL)
Amends the federal-aid highway grant formula to be based on each state’s population rather than the previous year’s apportionment. Submitted
Version 2 Foster (IL)
Revised Adjusts the highway funding authorized in the Act so that no individual state would receive more than 105 percent or less than 95 percent of the funds it contributed through both the Highway Trust Fund. It would also ensure that states get their fair share of funding when general funds are transferred into the Highway Trust Fund. Revised
Version 1 Moulton (MA)
Requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study on the implementation and efficacy of the European Train Control System to determine the feasibility of implementing such a system throughout the national rail network of the United States. Submitted
Version 1 Meng (NY), Cramer, Kevin (ND)
Adds “consumer privacy protections” to the list of items that GAO must review when issuing its public assessment of the “organizational readiness of the Department to address autonomous vehicle technology challenges,” as required by section 6024 of the Rules Committee Print. Submitted
Version 1 Meng (NY), Love (UT)
Requires the Secretary to revise the crash investigation data collection system to include additional data regarding child restraint systems whenever there are child occupants present in vehicle crashes. Submitted
Version 1 Meng (NY), Cramer, Kevin (ND)
Requires that GAO perform a review of existing federal and state rules concerning school bus transportation of elementary and secondary school students, and issue recommendations on best practices for safe and reliable school bus transportation. Submitted
Version 1 Swalwell (CA), Schweikert (AZ)
Expands the eligibility of the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program to include innovative shared use mobility projects that can reduce congestion and improve air quality. Expands associated transit improvements to include those shared-use projects that directly enhance transit. Made In Order
Version 1 Hurt (VA), Goodlatte (VA), Griffith (VA), Comstock (VA)
Expresses the sense of Congress that the entering into of an agreement or compact by 2 or more States, for cooperative effort and mutual assistance, would be beneficial to the development of an Interstate 73 corridor. Submitted
Version 2 Heck, Denny (WA), Kilmer (WA)
Revised Requires the Department of Transportation to develop a set of best practices for the installation and maintenance of green stormwater infrastructure, and assist any state requesting help to develop a stormwater management plan by providing guidance based on those best practices. Revised
Version 1 Capuano (MA)
Requires State Railway-highway crossings safety action plans within one year to identify high risk and multiple-accident crossings with specific short-term, medium-term, and long-term initiatives to improve safety at such crossings, and identify any impediments to implementation. Every year after, the state would issue a report with updates and progress. Submitted
Version 1 Capuano (MA)
Includes best practices related to labor relations in the list of best practices that the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau would develop. Submitted
Version 1 Aguilar (CA)
Requires that the DOT, in coordination with DOD, implement the recommendations of a report issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to help veterans transition into civilian jobs driving commercial motor vehicles, including by obtaining commercial driver's license. Submitted
Version 1 Crawford (AR), Jenkins (KS), Ryan, Tim (OH), Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX)
Permits two light- or medium-duty trailers to be towed together, only when empty and being delivered to a retailed for sale, subject to length and weight limitations, and operated by professional CDL drivers. Submitted
Version 1 Takano (CA), Aguilar (CA)
Allows for a program of eligible projects to count as a single project to meet the $100,000,000 threshold of project costs. Submitted
Version 1 Mullin, Markwayne (OK)
Allows bridge work to be done despite the presence of swallows if the bridge has a condition rating of 3 or less until a rulemaking has occurred, requires notification to the Secretary of Interior, and directs the Sec. of Interior to promulgate a rulemaking to allow for bridge work under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). Made In Order
Version 1 Sanford (SC)
Prohibits funding authorized by bill from going to any city that has a policy of restricting the sharing of information with federal immigration authorities or prohibits local law enforcement from gathering information about citizenship or immigration status. Submitted
Version 1 Graves, Garret (LA), Richmond (LA)
Withdrawn Clarifies that the nationally significant freight and highway projects program allow consideration for expanding capacity of 1-lane highway segments in large and mid-size metropolitan regions to increase mobility and alleviate severe bottleneck and congestion. Withdrawn
Version 1 McKinley (WV)
Encourages recovery and beneficial use of coal combustion residuals and establish requirements for the proper management and disposal of coal combustion residuals that are protective of human health and the environment. Submitted
Version 1 DeSaulnier (CA)
Clarifies that individuals who knowingly bypass, defeat, or render inoperative air pollution control parts or components in motor vehicles may be liable for criminal penalties Submitted
Version 1 Edwards (MD)
Seeks to improve highway designs to better manage stormwater by moving up in the planning process from the end so that thought goes into how best to plan, design, and construct project effectively while also reducing costs. Submitted
Version 1 Edwards (MD), Comstock (VA)
Makes transit-oriented development eligible for TIFIA and lowers the $50 million threshold that TIFIA currently requires to $10 million. Submitted
Version 1 Edwards (MD), Comstock (VA)
Gives USDOT authority to appoint and oversee the fed board members to the WMATA board, while currently GSA has this responsibility. Submitted
Version 1 Hunter (CA), Vargas (CA), Denham (CA), Walters, Mimi (CA), Cárdenas , Tony (CA), Garamendi (CA)
Requires the Bureau of Indian Affairs to regularly update the comprehensive inventory of tribal transportation facilities to reflect current needs. Submitted
Version 1 Hunter (CA), Vargas (CA), Walters, Mimi (CA), Denham (CA), Cárdenas , Tony (CA), Garamendi (CA)
Allows all roads that are defined as transportation facilities to be eligible for Indian Reservation Road (IRR) funding. Submitted
Version 1 Hunter (CA)
Facilitates the supply of domestic aggregate for nationally significant freight and highway projects. Submitted
Version 1 Lipinski (IL), Davis, Rodney (IL), Pocan (WI), Reed (NY), McCollum (MN), Hanna (NY), Brady, Robert (PA), Hastings, Alcee (FL), Esty (CT), Garamendi (CA), Lowenthal (CA), Frankel (FL), Lieu (CA), Katko (NY)
Exempts certain welding trucks used in the pipeline industry from certain provisions under the FMCSR's. Submitted
Version 1 Barletta (PA), Lipinski (IL)
Requires all legacy tank cars retrofit for continued Class 3 Flammable Liquid service to include enhanced top fittings protections for pressure relief valves. Made In Order
Version 2 Babin (TX)
Revised Designates the Central Texas Corridor as the future Interstate Route I-14. Made In Order
Version 1 Scott, Bobby (VA), Forbes (VA)
Includes a sense of Congress that the Department of Transportation should utilize modeling and simulation technology to analyze federally funded highway and public transit projects to ensure that these projects will increase transportation capacity and safety, alleviate congestion, reduce travel time and environmental impact, and are as cost effective as practicable. Made In Order
Version 2 Lipinski (IL), Nadler (NY), Dold (IL)
Revised Restores local flexibility for New Starts projects. Revised
Version 1 Hurd (TX), Cuellar (TX), McCaul (TX)
Allows the Governor of a State that shares a land border with Canada or Mexico to designate up to 5 percent of funds, made available to the State under subsection (d)(1)(B), for border infrastructure projects eligible under section 1303 of SAFETEA–LU. Submitted
Version 1 Rice, Kathleen (NY)
Requires states to strengthen graduated driver’s licensing requirements to be eligible for State Graduated Driver Licensing Incentive Grants. Made In Order
Version 2 Ribble (WI), Hanna (NY), Cramer, Kevin (ND), Lipinski (IL)
Revised Increases the air-mile radius from 50 air-miles to 75 air-miles for the transportation of construction materials and equipment, to satisfy the 24-hour reset period under Hours of Service rules. Gives states the ability to opt out of this increase if the distance is entirely included within the state’s borders. Revised
Version 2 Norcross (NJ)
Revised Requires the Federal Transit Administration to include light rail projects that connect low and moderate income census tract areas with Universities and Medical Institutions in their criteria, when evaluating light rail projects for funding. Revised
Version 1 Comstock (VA), Babin (TX), Beyer (VA), Connolly (VA)
Amends 49 USC 5337(d)(1) to include those public transportation vehicles that operate on high-occupancy toll lanes that were converted from high-occupancy vehicle lanes during peak hours. Submitted
Version 1 Comstock (VA), Smith, Lamar (TX), Lipinski (IL)
Clarifies the restrictions placed on institutions applying for UTC grants, and broadens the paragraph on “Focused Research” for regional UTCs. Directs the Secretary of Transportation to develop a 5-Year Transportation R&D Strategic Plan for FY 18 through FY 22. Authorizes the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology to conduct a traffic congestion study. Authorizes the Assistant Secretary to submit a rail safety study to Congress. Made In Order
Version 2 Massie (KY), Lofgren (CA), Eshoo (CA)
Revised Allows the GSA to construct, install, and operate electric car charging stations on federal properties for use by employees. The construction, installation, and operation will be funded solely through user fees, so taxpayers will incur no cost. Made In Order
Version 1 Calvert (CA)
Increases the limit on 10 local governments with whom the State can exercise its authority to eliminate duplicative reviews to 25. Submitted
Version 2 Aguilar (CA), Calvert (CA), Costa (CA), Hahn (CA), Ruiz (CA), Cook (CA)
Revised Asks the Secretary of Transportation to consider, when making grants under the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects, including contributions from voter-approved measures to fund transportation projects. Revised
Version 1 Newhouse (WA)
Directs the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) to establish a port performance statistics program, with quarterly reports to Congress. The program will collect basic uniform data on port performance and provide empirical visibility into how U.S. ports are operating, identify key congestion issues, and ensure U.S. commerce continues to flow efficiently. Submitted
Version 1 Frankel (FL)
Adds a provision to the new broker-shipper hiring standard created by Section 5224 to prohibit the hiring of “high risk carriers” as defined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Submitted
Version 1 Waters (CA)
Clarifies that the City of Inglewood, California can use previously authorized highway funds to make street improvements in a prudent manner, consistent with the City’s current needs and priorities. Submitted
Version 1 Waters (CA)
Provides an emergency supplemental appropriation totaling $7.5 billion dollars over the next six years for job creation through investments in transportation infrastructure. Exempts the emergency supplemental appropriation from sequestration. Submitted
Version 1 Waters (CA)
Permits states with congressionally designated projects that are more than ten years old and that have had less than 10 percent of their funds obligated to use remaining amounts for certain other highway projects within the same city and state. Submitted
Version 1 Frankel (FL)
Requires Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores to remain publicly available during the National Research Council of the National Academies study of the CSA Program required by Section 5221. Submitted
Version 2 Culberson (TX), Green, Al (TX), Green, Gene (TX)
Revised Amends the HOT/HOV definition under FTA’s new “State of Good Repair Program” to make HOT lane miles eligible for calculation in the formula for state of good repair federal formula monies. Based on a similar provision in the Senate DRIVE Act, amends the Bus and Bus Facilities Formula program to create a discretionary program providing funding for buses. Provides flexibility in order to allow local transit entities to use savings from FFGA projects (i.e., remaining New Start dollars) for related projects that may not have been included in the original FFGA application. Would allow Houston METRO to count $587 million in local funds spent on the East End light rail line as the local matching credit for an already voter approved commuter rail line along 90A. Revised
Version 1 Frankel (FL)
Strikes Section 5501 of the bill. Submitted
Version 1 Bonamici (OR)
Designates the Oregon 99W Newberg-Dundee Bypass Route between Newberg, Oregon and Dayton, Oregon as a high priority corridor. Submitted
Version 1 Duffy (WI), Polis (CO)
Assesses a fine to railroad companies for blocking railroad crossings due to an employee shift change. Submitted
Version 1 Frankel (FL)
Requires Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores to remain publicly available during the National Research Council of the National Academies study of the CSA Program required by Section 5221, adds a provision to the new broker-shipper hiring standard created by Section 5224 to prohibit the hiring of “high risk carriers” as defined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and removes several studies. Submitted
Version 1 Davis, Rodney (IL), Titus (NV), Rouzer (NC), Lipinski (IL), Frankel (FL), Edwards (MD), Rokita (IN)
Increases the share of existing Surface Transportation Program funds that are reserved for use in consultation with local jurisdictions and regional planning organizations. Increases the transparency of funds sub-allocated by the states for use in areas with populations of less than 200,000. Submitted
Version 1 Davis, Rodney (IL), Lipinski (IL)
Allows general freight to be carried by an automobile transporter on a backhaul trip only. Submitted
Version 2 Peters, Scott (CA)
Revised Establishes a three year program to demonstrate and measure the feasibility of replacing Federal taxes on motor vehicle fuels with a mileage-based user fee on motor vehicle travel. Revised
Version 1 Costello (PA), Lipinski (IL)
Allows otherwise eligible Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects, which do not meet the minimum $100 million threshold, to qualify for the specific reserved amount as provided in the legislation for such projects that fail to reach that threshold. Submitted
Version 1 Costello (PA), Titus (NV), Barletta (PA), Grijalva (AZ)
Prohibits federally protected wild horses and burros, and stolen horses or horses without proper documentation of ownership, from being transported to slaughter for human consumption. Submitted
Version 2 Ryan, Tim (OH)
Revised Clarifies that alternative fuel vehicles are eligible for consideration and use of funding under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program Revised
Version 1 Garamendi (CA), Ribble (WI), LoBiondo (NJ)
Includes habitat connectivity in the project planning process. Made In Order
Version 2 Garamendi (CA)
Revised Raises the authorization and spending levels in the bill to GROW America Act levels. Revised
Version 1 Jackson Lee (TX)
Seeks a public safety report to be provided to the House and Senate Transportation Committees on the security of locations intended to encourage public use of alternative transportation as well as personal transportation such as car pool parking lots, mass transit parking; local, state, and regional rail station parking; college or university parking, bike paths or walking trails and other locations the Secretary deems would be appropriate. Made In Order
Version 2 Jackson Lee (TX)
Revised Provides a report on the Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential to improve transportation services to the elderly and persons with disabilities as well as assist local, state and federal transportation planners in achieving better inefficiencies and cost effectiveness, while protecting privacy and security of persons who use IoT technology. Made In Order
Version 1 Jackson Lee (TX)
Requires the Secretary of Transportation or designee to conduct a national study and to submit to Congress within 1 year of enactment a study examining the accuracy and impact of traffic enforcement cameras on public safety. Submitted
Version 2 Jackson Lee (TX)
Revised Directs the Secretary to take into consideration when reviewing applications from institutions seeking to be the National Transit Institute, whether the submitted proposal include plans to conduct outreach to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Native American Colleges, and Rural College to ensure awareness of education and skills development made available by the grant are broadly disseminated among under-served populations attending 4 year institutions. Revised
Version 2 Gosar (AZ)
Revised Rescinds all unused Congressional transportation earmark money after 10 fiscal years. Revised
Version 1 Gosar (AZ)
Requires the federal government to track the total number, cost, and time required for each environmental review of transportation projects when reporting the status of these projects to the public. Made In Order
Version 1 Johnson, Hank (GA)
Strikes language that requires GAO to complete a study to determine if there is ever a time when safety-related reports should not be discoverable or admissible in any civil proceeding Submitted
Version 1 Johnson, Hank (GA)
Strikes language that sets up a new procedural criteria for an FMCSA study on minimum trucking insurance that is already underway. Submitted
Version 1 Ashford (NE)
Allows a hiring preference for local veterans on transit projects exceeding $10 million. Submitted
Version 1 Maloney, Sean (NY)
Withdrawn Creates a preference for applications to the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects program that utilizes innovative delivery methods such as design-build. Withdrawn
Version 1 Maloney, Sean (NY)
Makes any project which is necessary for the conversion of a road to Interstate System Standards and is on a High Priority Corridor eligible for a 95 percent federal cost share. Submitted
Version 2 Veasey (TX)
Revised Clarifies that public demand response transit providers includes services for seniors and persons with disabilities. Revised
Version 1 Gibson (NY), Maloney, Sean (NY), Nadler (NY)
Directs the Secretary of Transportation to develop a comprehensive strategy, within 1 year, to address “structurally deficient” and “functionally obsolete” bridges, as defined by the National Bridge Inventory, and to identify the unique challenges and policy solutions with regards to these respective categories. Made In Order
Version 1 Mica (FL)
Decreases TITLE VI—INNOVATION, HIGHWAY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM by $172,750,000 over fiscal years 2016 through 2021 and increase in the same title the TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION DEPLOYMENT PROGRAM by the same amount also over fiscal years 2016 through 2021. This evenly divides funding for HIGHWAY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT and TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION DEPLOYMENT through FY2021. Submitted
Version 1 Mica (FL)
Swaps funding levels for TITLE VI—INNOVATION, HIGHWAY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM and TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION DEPLOYMENT PROGRAM over fiscal years 2016 through 2021. Such that, HIGHWAY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT would be funded at $67,000,000 for fiscal year 2016; $67,500,000 for fiscal year 2017; $67,500,000 for fiscal year 2018; $67,500,000 for fiscal year 2019; $67,500,000 for fiscal year 2020; and $67,500,000 for fiscal year 2021. Conversely, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION DEPLOYMENT would be adjusted to $125,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2016 through 2021. Submitted
Version 2 Mica (FL)
Revised Requires that a state may not prohibit the operation of an automobile transporter with a gross weight of 84,000 pounds or less on any segment of the Interstate System or qualified Federal aid primary highways designated by the Secretary. The amendment allows the chief executive officer of a State; after consultation with units of local government, to request an exemption from the Secretary if it is determined that an interstate segment is not capable of safely accommodating such commercial motor vehicles. Revised
Version 1 Reichert (WA), Schrader (OR), Newhouse (WA), Coffman (CO), Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman (AS), Katko (NY)
Late Requests a GAO study on the economic impact of contract negotiations at ports on the west coast. Submitted
Version 1 Herrera-Beutler (WA), Schrader (OR), Larsen, Rick (WA), Loebsack (IA), Turner (OH)
Late Allows all 50 states to compete for bus and bus facility funding by eliminating the 7-state set aside High Density Bus program and transferring the funds to the nationwide Competitive Bus Grants, Sec. 5339(d). Submitted
Version 1 Yoho (FL)
Late Allows priority consideration for certain local government projects that increase public safety. Submitted
Version 2 Yoho (FL)
Late Revised Prohibits the authorization of funds for new non-motorized recreational trails. Revised
Version 2 Lynch (MA)
Late Revised Provides for an additional, independent safety review of an approved pipeline route or segment of route, should a state or tribal government deem it necessary. Made In Order
Version 1 Welch (VT)
Late Uses the funding sources in the bill to increase funding for authorized transportation programs in fiscal years 2016 and 2017. Submitted
Version 1 Welch (VT), Blumenauer (OR), Quigley (IL)
Late Strikes Section 3010 of division A, which would lower the current federal share of bicycle facility projects from 95 and 90 percent to 80 percent. Made In Order
Version 1 Eshoo (CA)
Late Requires the inclusion of broadband conduit—plastic pipes which house fiber-optic communications cable during the construction of any road receiving federal funding if there is a demonstrated need for broadband in the area within the next 15 years. Submitted
Version 1 Hultgren (IL), Sensenbrenner (WI)
Late Prohibits funding to the Secretary of Transportation for lobbying activities on pending Federal, state, or local legislation. Submitted
Version 1 Fleischmann (TN)
Late Report language encouraging the use of geosynthetic materials and other innovative technologies. Made In Order
Version 1 Jackson Lee (TX)
Late Requires the Secretary of Transportation or designee to conduct a national study and to submit to Congress within 1 year of enactment a study examining the accuracy and impact of traffic enforcement cameras on public safety. Made In Order
Version 1 Foxx (NC)
Repeals the applicability of Davis-Bacon wage requirements on federal highway and public transportation construction projects. Submitted
Version 1 Foxx (NC)
Late Repeals the section of the bill establishing national electric vehicle charging, hydrogen, and natural gas fueling corridors. Submitted
Version 1 Sires (NJ)
Late Withdrawn Allows states to qualify for federal incentive funding if they have a law that allows for installation of an ignition interlock at the time of arrest. Withdrawn
Version 2 Jackson Lee (TX)
Late Revised Seeks a report on the cyber-security of motor vehicles both (large capacity, light duty and personal) operating on public roads and highways. Seeks a report on the degree to which automotive manufacturers, who do not produce all software nor many of the computing components (even those components manufactured outside of the United States), can ensure end-to-end cyber-security and safety. Revised
Version 1 Lowenthal (CA)
Late Ensures GAO also evaluates the effects of streamlining environmental review of transportation projects on greenhouse gases and global warming, and recommends opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Submitted
Version 1 LaMalfa (CA), Garamendi (CA)
Late Increases efficiency by allowing state transportation departments to reprogram federal funds previously designated for now-obsolete projects toward other transportation projects within original project areas and which meet federal funding requirements. Requires coordination with and oversight by Appropriations Committees and federal DOT. Submitted
Version 1 Polis (CO), Noem (SD), Perlmutter (CO)
Late Allows states the flexibility needed to use federal funds to acquire "movable barriers" used to maintain the safety of construction workers while allowing traffic to flow regularly around them by lifting a current restriction to "fixed barriers." Submitted
Version 1 Polis (CO)
Late Reinstates the discretion of the train conductor to sound a locomotive horn, when necessary to ensure safety, while crossing a public highway at speeds of 25 mph or less. The use of train horns will continue to be mandated when crossing public highways at any greater speed. Submitted
Version 1 Polis (CO)
Late Designates the freight corridor running along Route 70 from Denver, CO to Salt Lake City, UT as a 'Corridor of High Priority.' Submitted
Version 1 Polis (CO)
Late Grants 'High Priority Corridors' preference in attaining 'Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Project' dollars. Submitted
Version 1 Babin (TX)
Late Withdrawn Amends the High Intensity Motorbus provisions of MAP-21 to account for public transportation that is provided on high-occupancy toll lanes converted from high-occupancy vehicle lanes during peak hours. Withdrawn
Version 1 Hunter (CA), Curbelo (FL)
Late Establishes a program to permit the use of love plant materials for roadside maintenance. Submitted
Version 1 Shuster (PA)
Late Makes technical and conforming changes to Rules Committee Print 114-32. Made In Order
Version 1 Johnson, Hank (GA)
Requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit a report to Congress annually detailing and justifying any waivers to Buy America provisions for surface transportation projects issued in the prior year. Submitted
Version 1 DeSantis (FL)
Late Empowers States with authority for most taxing and spending for highway programs and mass transit programs, and for other purposes. Submitted
Version 1 Cummings (MD), Clyburn (SC), Brown, Corrine (FL), Edwards (MD), Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX), Carson (IN)
Late Makes a technical and conforming change to harmonize the U.S. DOT's and the U.S. Small Business Administration's small business size standards that are used for direct federal government contracting and federally assisted contracting. Submitted
Version 1 Ruiz (CA)
Late Amends a National Highway System High Priority Corridor, which runs from East Los Angeles through Riverside County and along I-10 to the Arizona State line, to include a connection along I-10 intended to improve the movement of goods and people through Southern California. Submitted
Version 1 Lowey (NY), Garamendi (CA)
Late Prohibits rail transport of crude oil with volatility over 8.5 psi. Requires establishment of Maximum Volatility Standard for crude oil shipped by rail. Submitted
Version 1 Grijalva (AZ)
Late Strikes Subtitle C, except section 1314. Submitted
Version 1 Foxx (NC), DelBene (WA)
Late Makes performance assessments for the Frontline Workforce Development Program consistent with assessments currently in place for similar programs authorized through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Submitted
Version 1 Chabot (OH)
Late Amends certain sections of Title 49 of the US Code to increase penalties relating to commercial motor vehicle safety. Submitted
Drafted to Senate amendments to H.R. 22
# Version # Sponsor(s) Party Summary Status
Version 1 Lewis, John (GA), Levin, Sander (MI), Van Hollen (MD), Rangel (NY), McDermott (WA), Becerra (CA), Thompson, Mike (CA), Davis, Danny K. (IL), Sánchez, Linda (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Crowley (NY)
Strikes sections 52106 and 52107 of the underlying legislation relating to outsourcing the collection of outstanding tax liabilities from the IRS to private, for-profit companies. Submitted
Version 1 DeFazio (OR)
Indexes the gasoline and diesel fuel tax to highway construction cost inflation and fuel efficiency (Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards) and deposits the revenues in the Highway Trust Fund. Submitted
Version 1 Williams (TX)
Clarifies that only rental car companies whose primary business is renting vehicles are covered by the new requirements in the Senate passed version of H.R. 22. Submitted
Version 1 Clawson (FL)
Changes the proportion of Export-Import Bank programs that go to small businesses from 25 percent to 100 percent. Submitted
Version 2 Renacci (OH), Ribble (WI), Pascrell (NJ), Lipinski (IL), Amodei (NV), Hanna (NY), Capuano (MA), Barletta (PA), Quigley (IL), Rangel (NY), Welch (VT)
Revised Establishes a bipartisan, bicameral task force to provide a recommendation to Congress on how to balance the Highway Trust Fund long term. If Congress fails to act on these recommendations by December 31, 2018, or balance the Trust Fund through other mechanisms, the Secretary of Treasury will raise the tax on various excise taxes on motor fuels to the appropriate level to fund the outlying years for the 10 year budget window of 2016-2025. Revised
Version 1 Jenkins (KS), Roskam (IL), Paulsen (MN)
Repeals language which directs the Secretary of the Treasury to modify appropriate regulations to provide that the maximum extension for the returns of employee benefit plans filing Form 5500 shall be an automatic 3 1/2 month period (rather than current 2 1/2 month extension period). Submitted
Version 1 Zinke (MT), McKinley (WV), Newhouse (WA)
Dictates that all environmental review processes regarding the construction, operation, or maintenance of a coal export facility must be completed before a permit is approved or denied by an applicable Federal Agency. Submitted
Version 1 Rothfus (PA)
Prohibits the Export Import Bank from providing a guarantee or extending credit to a foreign borrower in connection with the export of goods or services by a U.S. company unless the U.S. company guarantees repayment of, and pledges collateral in an amount sufficient to cover, a percentage of the amount provided by the Bank and makes that guarantee senior to any other obligation. The amendment provides an exception to this requirement for small businesses. Submitted
Version 1 Young, David (IA)
Requires the agency to include the names and titles of those who participated in a rule making in the publication of that rule. Submitted
Version 1 Young, David (IA)
Requires the agency to disclose information on which a rule is based including data, studies, and cost-benefit analyses to the public. Submitted
Version 1 Young, David (IA)
Requires agency personnel involved in drafting rules and regulations to file financial disclosures. Submitted
Version 1 Rothfus (PA)
Prohibits the Export Import Bank from providing a guarantee or extending credit to a foreign borrower unless the borrower pledges collateral in an amount equal to, or a foreign government guarantees the repayment of, the full amount of the guarantee or credit provided by the Bank. Submitted
Version 1 Rothfus (PA)
Prohibits the Export Import Bank from guaranteeing, insuring, or extending credit in connection with the purchase or lease of any product by a person in a foreign country that does not meet, or is not making significant efforts to meet, the standards in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act or is designated, or is recommended for such designation by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, as a country of particular concern for religious freedom. Submitted
Version 1 Garrett (NJ)
Creates a private cause of action for any individual or business to sue the Export-Import Bank for damages if the individual or business can demonstrate that the Export-Import Bank's activities have financially harmed that individual or business. Protects minority- and female-owned businesses by allowing a cause of action if the individual or business has experienced a one percent decrease in business transactions as a result of the bank's financing of a competitor, as opposed to a five percent decrease in transactions threshold for other businesses. Submitted
Version 1 Westmoreland (GA)
Allows companies to appeal their economic harm protest directly to the Export-Import Bank Board of Directors. Submitted
Version 1 Schweikert (AZ)
Adds Fair Value Accounting Principles to the EX-IM provision of the underlying bill. Submitted
Version 1 Schweikert (AZ)
Strikes the EX-IM title and replaces it with a recharter eliminating the Full Faith and Credit Guarantee. Submitted
Version 1 Westmoreland (GA)
Strengthens the Export-Import Bank’s economic analysis criteria for transactions over $50 million. Submitted
Version 1 Pompeo (KS)
Directs GAO to conduct a study on how much non-commercial jet fuel tax revenue, paid for by business and general aviation, is diverted to the Highway Trust Fund due to the “fuel fraud” tax. Submitted
Version 1 Issa (CA)
Provides for reforms of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Submitted
Version 1 Luetkemeyer (MO)
Exempts financial institutions from the requirement to send an annual privacy notice on each account if that institution had no change in its privacy policies or information sharing policies. This language has passed the House in three previous Congresses, and would eliminate confusion among consumers. Submitted
Version 1 Luetkemeyer (MO)
Requires the Financial Stability Oversight Council to make systemically important financial institution (SIFI) determinations based on a series of criteria rather than on asset size alone. Submitted
Version 1 Cummings (MD)
Withdrawn Requires submission of a report and implementation of a research study on technologies for identifying track defects to improve rail safety Withdrawn
Version 1 Blumenauer (OR)
Raises federal gas and diesel taxes by fifteen cents over a three year period and index both to inflation. Submitted
Version 1 Farenthold (TX)
Prohibits reclassification under the 2008 EPA air quality standard and sanctions for failure to attain the 2008 standard. Submitted
Version 1 Johnson, Hank (GA), Grijalva (AZ)
Strikes from the bill section 61007, which, among other things, bars all legal claims unless filed within two years by a party that submitted a sufficiently-detailed comment during the environmental-review process, or a party that lacked a reasonable opportunity to submit a comment during the environmental-review process. Submitted
Version 1 Levin, Sander (MI), McDermott (WA), Thompson, Bennie (MS), Roybal-Allard (CA)
Modifies the provision indexing Customs User Fees to inflation to ensure that the funds raised by indexing would go into the Customs User Fee Account. Submitted
Version 1 Perry (PA), Mulvaney (SC)
Increases by 5% each fiscal year for four years, the percent amount that Ex/Im should make available for small businesses. If they do not comply, they are barred for issuing any loans over $100,000,000. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Requires auto manufacturers to remedy vehicles subject to a recall regardless of the length of ownership. Currently, auto manufacturers are not required to remedy vehicles owned for more than 10 years. Submitted
Version 1 Sessions (TX), McDermott (WA)
Makes a technical clarification that addresses a drafting oversight in Public Law 113-243 to provide a post-enactment time frame for certain rollovers into IRAs. Submitted
Version 1 Heck, Denny (WA)
Strikes the Senate language cutting the dividend rate by 3/4 and replaces it with language cutting the paid-in shares outstanding by 3/4. Has the effect of redeeming 3/4 of the existing paid-in stock in the Federal Reserve Banks. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Improves quality and quantity of information shared about vehicle safety issues among auto manufacturers, NHTSA, and consumers. Submitted
Version 1 Foster (IL)
Requires the Department of Transportation to issue an annual report detailing how the funds authorized in the bill are divided among the states and the sources of those amounts. It would also require the Internal Revenue Service to submit an annual report to Congress detailing the tax burden of each state. Submitted
Version 1 Neugebauer (TX), Huizenga (MI)
Puts a one year moratorium on the requirement that the dividend paid by the Federal Reserve Banks to their member banks be reduced from 6 percent to 1.5 percent. The amendment would also require the Government Accountability Office to study the potential policy implications of the reducing the dividend. In order to make up for the lost projected revenue increase, the amendment would require the Federal Reserve to transfer $1.6 billion to the Treasury Department using money from the Federal Reserve Banks’ surplus accounts. Submitted
Version 1 Garamendi (CA)
Raises the revenue needed to bring the authorization levels of the bill up to GROW America Act levels through a one-time 14% tax on the accumulated earnings of U.S. multinational corporations. Remaining revenue would go to the General Fund. Submitted
Version 1 Neugebauer (TX)
Replaces the current single director leadership structure at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and replace it with a five person bipartisan commission. The amendment is offset by executing a one-time draw on the Federal Reserve capital surplus account. Submitted
Version 1 Mullin, Markwayne (OK)
Amends Section 32903 of Title 49 to harmonize EPA and NHTSA standards by extending the life of a CAFE credit from 5 years to 10 years. Submitted
Version 1 Mullin, Markwayne (OK)
Directs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to establish a program allowing low volume motor vehicle manufacturers to produce a limited number of vehicles annually within a regulatory system that addresses the unique safety and financial issues associated with limited production, and to direct the Environmental Protection Agency to allow low volume motor vehicle manufacturers to install engines from vehicles that have been issued certificates of conformity. Submitted
Version 1 Mullin, Markwayne (OK)
Requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that in promulgating regulations any preference or incentive provided to electric vehicles is also provided to natural gas vehicles. Submitted
Version 1 Mullin, Markwayne (OK)
Amends title 49, United States Code, to provide an alternative measurement of the fuel economy for any dual fueled automobile that is capable of operating on natural gas. Submitted
Version 1 Mullin, Markwayne (OK)
Amends Section 32903 of Title 49 to allow additional credits to be transferred by a manufacturer between its “truck” fleet and “car” fleet. Submitted
Version 1 Goodlatte (VA), Marino (PA)
Sssigns to the Executive Director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council power to authorize extensions of permitting timetables, up to a total of fifty percent of the time specified in an original timetable, and to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget the power to authorize any additional extensions, subject to requirements to consult with the permit applicant and report to Congress. Submitted
Version 1 Kinzinger (IL)
Requires auto parts suppliers and manufacturers provide specific information to the Secretary to further compliance of Section 30120(j) of Title 49. Information shall be made available on a public website and through databases to ensure defective auto parts are removed from the supply chain and can be tracked if a recall is ordered. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Requires NHTSA to conduct research into safety technologies to reduce injury or death in rear seat area of cars and to develop a rulemaking to enhance rear seat safety based on that research. In the absence of a rulemaking, a report must be submitted to Congress explaining that decision. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Eliminates NHTSA regional recalls, under which recalls can be limited to specific states and territories. Allows NHTSA to prioritize recalls in regions most impacted by safety vulnerabilities in conducting future recalls. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Improves the quality and quantity of safety information provided about used cars at point of sale. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Requires NHTSA to conduct research into safety technologies to reduce pedestrian injury or death and to develop a rulemaking to enhance pedestrian safety based on that research. In the absence of a rulemaking, a report must be submitted to Congress explaining that decision. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Establishes a rule to require auto manufacturers to retain all motor vehicle safety records, including documents, reports, correspondence, or other materials that contain information concerning malfunctions that may be related to motor vehicle safety for at least 20 years. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Provides NHTSA the authority to expedite recalls if failure to recall could result in serious injuries or deaths. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Prohibits the sale or lease of vehicles subject to recall until the vehicles are remedied. Sellers of less than 10 cars over the previous year are exempted. Submitted
Version 1 Schakowsky (IL)
Improves quality and quantity of information shared about vehicle safety issues among auto manufacturers, NHTSA, and consumers. Also Improves the quality and quantity of safety information provided about used cars at point of sale. Submitted
Version 1 Palmer (AL)
Appropriates to the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) amounts equivalent to 20 % of the amounts received by the U.S. as royalties for the production of oil or gas on Federal lands, including submerged lands, that is exported from the United States. The amounts appropriated to the HTF shall be available only for making expenditures for the construction or maintenance of roads or bridges. Submitted
Version 1 Gosar (AZ)
Withdrawn Strikes section 21009 to eliminate the Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Program and prevents a new federal program that provides grants for clunkers. Withdrawn
Version 2 Gosar (AZ)
Revised Requires contracts which are subject to prevailing wage requirements to be calculated using statistically accurate surveys from the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Revised
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Limits Export-Import Bank authorizations to countervailing purposes in order to meet competition from foreign export credit agencies. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Requires Export-Import Bank authorizations above $10 million to be contingent on at least two denials of similar assistance from the private sector. Stipulates penalties for making false claims when seeking Bank assistance. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank assistance unless the Secretary of State certifies that a country has taken sufficient measures to ensure the rights of religious and ethnic minorities, political dissidents, the disabled, and free media. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank assistance involving countries that refuse to recognize the state of Israel. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank assistance involving companies whose chief executive officer or comparable executive is compensated in excess of 100 times more than the median American worker. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank authorizations involving countries with a sovereign wealth fund of over $100 billion. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank assistance involving companies that fund Planned Parenthood directly or through third-party organizations. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank assistance involving entities that conduct business with Iran. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Requires fair value accounting at the Export-Import Bank in order to more accurately reflect market risk. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Reduces taxpayer exposure by removing Treasury guarantees for losses at the Export-Import Bank and removes borrowing authority from the Treasury. Submitted
Version 1 Mulvaney (SC)
Limits taxpayer exposure by ensuring diversification of industries and companies at the Export-Import Bank. Submitted
Version 1 Royce (CA)
Prohibits Export-Import Bank assistance to state-sponsors of terrorism. The current prohibition under the Foreign Assistance Act is subject to low threshold waivers by the President. Submitted
Version 2 Gosar (AZ)
Revised Requires Department of Transportation contracts which are subject to prevailing wage requirements to be calculated using statistically accurate surveys from the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Revised
Version 1 Gosar (AZ)
Withdrawn This amendment would prohibit the use of federal funds to provide alcohol free of charge on a route operated by Amtrak. Withdrawn
Version 1 Gosar (AZ)
Removes the Administrator of the EPA from list of individuals who shall designate a council member to the Federal Permitting Improvement council in Section 61002 FEDERAL PERMITTING IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL Submitted
Version 1 Gosar (AZ)
Withdrawn Strikes section 21019 and keep the Federal Transit Administrator at the current pay level and prohibit an 8.6% raise. Withdrawn
Version 1 Gosar (AZ)
Strikes section 52107 to eliminate the Special Compliance Personnel Program, a new program that hires new IRS employees, provides them with benefits and pays for their travel. Submitted
Version 1 Johnson, Hank (GA)
Directs the Sec. of Transportation to prescribe a motor vehicle safety standard requiring commercial motor vehicles to be equipped with forward collision avoidance and mitigation braking systems, which should alert the driver of the obstacle and if possible mitigate or avert collision. Submitted
Version 1 Maloney, Sean (NY), Dold (IL), Blumenauer (OR), King, Peter (NY), McGovern (MA), Lance (NJ), Lipinski (IL), Hultgren (IL), Zeldin (NY), Quigley (IL), Comstock (VA)
Raises the amount of pretax dollars that public transportation customers can use to pay for their commuting costs to $235 from the currently allotted $130 and sets the parking cost deduction at $235. Submitted
Version 1 Meehan (PA)
Modifies language in the underlying legislation related to the indexing of customs user fees to inflation for commercial airline passengers. Submitted
Version 1 Rush (IL)
Amends 49 USC 32903 to add additional civil penalties for fuel economy credits obtained fraudulently through a practice that violates Corporate Average Fuel Economy Act or Title II of the Clean Air Act. Submitted
Version 1 Johnson, Hank (GA)
Requires the Administrator of the FMCA to incorporate by reference the safety standards of CVSA. Submitted
Version 1 McCaul (TX), Cuellar (TX), Cramer, Kevin (ND), Perlmutter (CO)
Late Repeals the crude oil export ban and transfers revenue increases to the highway trust fund. Submitted
Version 1 Peters, Scott (CA)
Late Withdrawn Establishes a three year program to demonstrate and measure the feasibility of replacing Federal taxes on motor vehicle fuels with a mileage-based user fee on motor vehicle travel. Withdrawn
Version 1 Zeldin (NY), Hastings, Alcee (FL), Perry (PA), Curbelo (FL), Israel (NY), Blumenauer (OR)
Late Authorizing private activity bonds to be used for governmental buildings. Submitted
Version 1 Delaney (MD), Hanna (NY), Garamendi (CA), Welch (VT), Yoho (FL)
Late Replaces the Offset title of the underlying bill with the bipartisan Infrastructure 2.0 Act which uses revenues from international tax reform to add $120B to the Highway Trust Fund over 6 years, and creates the American Infrastructure Fund, capitalized with $50B to provide low-cost financing to states and local municipalities for infrastructure projects of their choosing in the categories of transportation, energy, water, communications and educational facilities. This $170B comes from doing a “deemed repatriation” of existing untaxed overseas corporate cash at a reduced 8.75% rate. Submitted
Version 1 Barton (TX), Cuellar (TX), McCaul (TX), Flores (TX)
Late Repeals section 103 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act Submitted
Version 1 Upton (MI)
Late Provides for a new a new title that includes sections to improve emergency preparedness for energy supply disruptions, resolve environmental and grid reliability conflicts, enhance critical electric infrastructure security, evaluate the feasibility of a strategic transformer reserve, and establish energy security valuation procedures. Submitted
Version 1 Cárdenas , Tony (CA)
Late Creates a non-monetary award for veteran friendly businesses under the Department of Transportation. Submitted
Version 2 Pearce (NM)
Revised Strikes the section of the bill that authorizes the sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). To pay for this, the amendment prevents the transfer of $10,000,000,000 from the treasury to the Mass Transit Account in the highway trust fund. Revised
Version 1 Burgess (TX)
Late Strikes certain provisions in the Senate bill dealing with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Submitted
Version 1 Hensarling (TX)
Late Provides regulatory relief to facilitate capital formation and to ensure greater consumer access to financial products and services. The amendment also provides for certain reforms concerning mint operations and housing. Submitted
Version 1 DeSantis (FL)
SUBSTITUTE Late Empowers States with authority for most taxing and spending for highway programs and mass transit programs, and for other purposes. Submitted
Version 1 Foxx (NC)
Late Withdrawn Makes performance assessments for the Frontline Workforce Development Program consistent with assessments currently in place for similar programs authorized through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Withdrawn
Version 2 Reichert (WA)
Late Revised Modifies general fund transfer and revenue provisions to reflect legislation enacted into law subsequent to Senate passage. Considered As Adopted
Version 1 Huelskamp (KS)
Late Repeals in full the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Submitted
Version 1 Grijalva (AZ)
Late Strikes Title LXI of Division F. Submitted
Version 1 Kinzinger (IL)
Late Creates an Advisory Committee on the Export-Import Bank that would submit an annual report to Congress and the Board of Directors of the Bank to recommend improvements in how the bank conducts business, procedures, and operations of the bank. Submitted
Version 1 Barton (TX), Cuellar (TX), McCaul (TX), Flores (TX)
Late Repeals restrictions on the export of crude oil and strengthens the Maritime Security Program. Includes provisions of HR 702 as passed by the House. Submitted