Hayden AI


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Products and Press Releases

SacRT bus.

City of Sacramento begins issuing citations to vehicles parked illegally in bus stops

March 5, 2025
The citations are part of the Bus Stop Enforcement Program, which aims to improve rider safety, accessibility and the reliability of SacRT bus service.
SEPTA to implement AI-powered cameras on 150 buses and 20 trolleys May 1
Safety & Security

SEPTA to implement AI-powered cameras on 150 buses and 20 trolleys May 1

The smart cameras will capture images of cars stopped in bus lanes and parked at bus stops.
Septa Bus Lane Isepta Philly 6482899664560
Safety & Security

SEPTA releases results of 70-day Hayden AI camera-assisted bus lane enforcement pilot project

The pilot program found an average of 4,000 weekly violations occurred along the two bus routes that were studied.

Articles & News

Septa Bus Lane Isepta Philly

SEPTA piloting camera-assisted bus lane enforcement technology

June 9, 2023
The pilot program with Hayden AI launched April 20, 2023, and has recorded an average of 4,000 violations per week with zero citations being issued during the pilot.
WMATA will partner with the District of Columbia and DDOT on its Clear Lanes initiative, which will mount automated camera technology to Metrobuses to enforce bus stop zones and bus-only lanes. After camera installation and testing, the program is expected to roll out in late 2023.

WMATA, DDOT partner on Clear Lanes initiative to speed bus movement

April 18, 2023
The initiative will use automated camera technology to enforce bus-only lanes and is modeled after similar program in New York City and San Francisco.

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All content from Hayden AI

Business Wire
Hayden AI

Hayden AI to introduce automated bus stop enforcement

April 5, 2023
The technology enables transit agencies to clear illegally parked vehicles from bus stops along an entire bus route to improve their ability to pick up every rider.

Hayden AI builds emissions calculator for transit agencies to measure the environmental impact of ABLE technology.

Jan. 20, 2023
The new online tool highlights how automated enforcement keeps bus lanes clear of illegally parked vehicles, reducing emissions by increasing bus speeds and keeping buses on schedule...
Safety & Security

Hayden AI completes first phase of expansion for MTA ABLE program

Dec. 29, 2022
In August 2022, MTA awarded a contract with Hayden AI to install ABLE systems on as many as 500 buses by June 2023.