Cincinnati Metro engaged with the University of Cincinnati Economics Center to prepare “A Peer City Public Transportation Review: Evaluating Metro’s Operational Efficiency, Service Capacity and Fiscal Impact,” a benchmarking study of Metro compared to public transportation systems in Cincinnati’s 11 peer cities, as identified by Agenda 360 and Vision 2015.
Key findings are:
- Mero ranks No. 1 out of all 12 cities in operational efficiency. Across the following measures, Metro was at or near the top of the list: fare revenue earned per operating expense, fare revenue earned per passenger trip, fare revenue earned per vehicle hour and operating expense per passenger mile.
- On average, Metro is outperformed by its peer regions in service level provided relative to population, service area, etc.
- Metro receives among the lowest total local and state funds of the peer regions. Metro is comparatively more reliant on fares.