Source Business News Americas - English
Brazil's Paraná state capital Curitiba plans to launch a 12.6mn-real (US$7.83mn) tender by October to improve the Santa Cândida bus terminal, a spokesperson from the city's urban research and planning institute (IPPUC) told BNamericas.
Besides expanding the terminal, the project involves roof restoration, floor replacement, and improving access conditions as well as safety for users.
The city government will provide 632,000 reais for the project and seek financing for the remainder.
The expanded terminal will also be the location of the final station on the new line of the city's metro system, according to the official.
The metro line, known as the blue line, will cost 3.25bn reais, running over 22km including 19km underground track. The line will have 21 stations, linking the CIC South terminal to the Santa Cândida terminal.
The metro project is currently awaiting environmental approval. Construction is expected to be completed by 2014.
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