SC: SCDOT Office of Public Transit Announces Funding Opportunities for SFY2012 - 2013 (FFY2012)
Source Targeted News Service
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is announcing the availability of information and applications for federal and state financial assistance to support public transportation within the State of South Carolina. The State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2012-2013 information and application can be accessed through the SCDOT website at
Applications for Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Sections 5310), Rural Transportation Program (Section 5311) and State Mass Transit Funds (SMTF) are due to the Office of Public Transit no later than Tuesday, January 10, 2012. Applications for any or all programs can be submitted prior to the posted due dates. Recommendations are expected to be presented to the SCDOT Commission at its regular meeting in February 2012.
In the absence of an FTA appropriation of FFY2012 (SFY2012-2013) funding, and upon recommendation from FTA Region IV staff, for planning purposes, the federal apportionment for statewide projects will be evaluated at the SFY2011-2012 level.
The goal of the Section 5310 Program is to improve mobility for elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities throughout the country. Toward this goal, FTA provides financial assistance to states for transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the specific transportation needs of elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities in all areas--urbanized, small urban, and rural. The program requires coordination with other federal programs and services in order to make the most efficient use of federal resources.
The goal of the Section 5311 Program is to improve mobility for rural transportation throughout the country. Toward this goal, FTA provides financial assistance to states for transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the specific rural transportation needs of the states. Formula funds for the Section 5311 Program are available for net administrative, operating and capital expenses, and/or planning and technical assistance.
State Mass Transit Funds (SMTF) are made available to small and large urbanized area transit agencies to match the FTA Urbanized Area Formula Grant (Section 5307), as well as other programs not otherwise funded with FTA program funds. Applicants are required to show how SMTF will be used to accomplish the goals and objectives of transit within its area.
Applications received by the stated due date will be reviewed and considered for funding by SCDOT's Office of Public Transit. Recommendations are expected to be presented to the SCDOT Commission in February 2012 and appropriate public comment solicited. Upon approval by the SCDOT Commission, successful applicants will be informed of funding awards. The project period of performance is SFY2012 - 2013 (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013).
If further assistance is needed, please contact SCDOT Office of Public Transit at (803) 737-0831.
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