VA: GRTC Transit Route 'Tweaks' Estimated to Create $350,000 in Savings

July 26, 2016
GRTC Transit is eliminating three routes and altering nine others, according to a schedule of changes released Monday and scheduled to go into effect on or before Aug. 21.

GRTC Transit is eliminating three routes and altering nine others, according to a schedule of changes released Monday and scheduled to go into effect on or before Aug. 21.

The changes are part of the regular review of GRTC’s more than 40 routes and are expected to save about $350,000, allowing the transit system to remain within the $47 million budget its board of directors adopted in June for the fiscal year that started July 1, said Carrie Rose Pace, a GRTC spokeswoman.

The changes are separate from the systemwide route study that is currently scheduled to be released later this fall.

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