Lolalisa DeCarlo King died June 12, 2017.
King was president of Architect for Life and was the first female and the first African-American female licensed Architect in the state of North Carolina. She was also among the first 100 African American women licensed to practice architecture in the United States with current licences in multiple states.
In her own words, she was "an entrepreneur, a teacher, a minister, and a mom at any given moment." She wore as many hats as needed for whatever sitatutions were in her path.
King was an active member of the American Public Transportation Association and worked tirelessly for APTA's business members serving on multiple committees, including the Business Member Business Development Committee, Business Member Workforce Development Committee, the Legislative Committee, the Sustainability Steering Committee and the Sustainability Commitment Signatories Subcommittee. She was an integral part of helping develop corporate sustainability commitment processes.
A GoFundMe was set up to ensure that her memorial and all personal items are paid for and she is transported from Houston, Texas, to Detroit, Michigan, with her son. If there are any remaining funds a scholarship will be named in her honor to a young African-American woman seeking a higher education degree.