TN: Nashville Transit Opposition Group to Become First in Referendum Campaign to Air TV Ads

Feb. 20, 2018
The television ad wars have started in Nashville's campaign over transit — and in a surprise move, it's the anti-transit side that's the first out of the gate.

The television ad wars have started in Nashville's campaign over transit — and in a surprise move, it's the anti-transit side that's the first out of the gate.

The political action committee NoTax4Tracks on Monday released the group's first TV ad, a 30-second spot that warns Nashville will become "Taxville" if Mayor Megan Barry's transit plan passes. The ad, which will begin running Tuesday, is set to air for only the next week.

The ad makes no reference to Barry, the main force behind the transit plan, whose political career is under fire following her admission that she had an affair with the former head of her police security detail.

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