BC: New Westminster Mayor Supports Transit Funding Plan
Source New Westminster Record
The provincial government’s decision to fully fund a new Pattullo Bridge has helped push a $7-billion regional transit plan across the finish line.
The Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation and the provincial government recently agreed on a plan to fund the regional share for Phase Two of the Mayors’ Council’s 10-Year vision.
Phase 2 of the plan includes construction of Surrey-Newton-Guildford Light Rail, construction of Millennium line Broadway extension, upgrade of existing Expo and Millennium SkyTrain lines to expand capacity to meet and improve the customer experience, improvements to sidewalks, bikeways, multi-use pathways and roadways, and an eight per cent increase in bus service to address overcrowding, reduce wait times and bring bus services to communities with limited service.
Read the complete article at http://www.newwestrecord.ca/news/new-westminster-mayor-supports-transit-funding-plan-1.23208950