OH: Metro Stored-Value Cards Now Available for Purchase Online
Metro is making it easier to purchase fare options with the online sale of $30 stored-value cards. Cards purchased through Metro’s secure payment system on its website and will be mailed directly to the bus rider after purchase.
Stored-value cards can be used like cash to pay all zone fares, buy transfers, pay discounted fares such as Fare Deal, children’s fares or UC or Cincinnati State fares, and even fares for multiple riders. Metro’s farebox will deduct fare from the stored-value card on each ride until all funds have been used.
Online stored-value cards are currently available only in $30 value amounts – up to three can be purchased at a time, with the option of preordering additional cards each month. Metro’s 30-day rolling passes available for each Zone and Metro/TANK can also be purchased online.
Stored-value cards make excellent gifts. They allow the user to purchase fares for any Metro routes without exact change.
Metro stored-value cards went on sale for the first time in August. They will continue to be for sale in prepaid amounts of $10, $20 and $30, at Metro’s sales office, 120 E. Fourth Street, Mercantile Building arcade downtown, weekdays 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Exact change and passes will continue to be accepted as fare on all buses.