RSCC Wire & Cable LLC announces that Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has certified its VitaLink MC product line as meeting the requirements of ANSI/UL 2196-2012 “Tests for Fire Resistive Cables” for 2-Hours.
This 2-hour fire resistive UL certification is National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) compliant in both horizontal and vertical orientations when installed in accordance with NEC requirements, RSCC Wire and Cable manufacturer’s instructions, and UL’s Electrical Circuit Integrity System number FHIT.120.
VitaLink MC Cables offer ease of installation over other methods of providing Fire Rated Circuits where required by codes and standards. MC cables are known for their lowered installed cost over other wiring methods that meet the NEC requirements for 2-Hour Fire Rating, such as MI cables or 2” of concrete encasement. Fire Rated Circuits are required to remain operational during a fire to support firefighting operations and the safe egress of occupants. NEC references fire resistant cables in Articles 695 Fire Pumps, Article 700 – Emergency Systems, Article 708 Critical Operation Power Systems, and Article 760 Fire Alarms.
Additionally, VitaLink MC can meet and exceed code requirements for NFPA 130 in transit applications as well as NFPA 502 for roadway tunnels. Certified to ANSI/UL 2196-2012 VITALink MC can also be specified and used with confidence in these applications.