City of Meridian Ribbon Cutting Commemorates New Saturday Bus Shuttle
A ribbon-cutting to launch the new Saturday shuttle service in Meridian is scheduled for 10 a.m. Sept. 3 outside City Hall. Event attendees are invited to ride the bus after the dedication ceremony.
The bus service will stop at popular destinations throughout the city. Dubbed “The Meridian Saturday Fun Bus,” the shuttle will operate on a 30-minute rotation from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
“In our citizens survey conducted this past spring, residents identified public transportation as a key priority. Launching this new shuttle service creates opportunities to access our entertainment and shopping venues, as well as several of our community parks,” said Mayor Tammy de Weerd. “We’re listening to our constituents and we’re delighted to make this one of our latest offerings.”
The shuttle will feature two buses running the route to popular destinations around town, and will be provided free of service for the first year. A map featuring the two routes and a schedule of location stops and times are as follows: