Voters Value Public Transportation - 71 Percent of Transit Measures Passed
By a passage rate of 71 percent, voters across the country voted for pro-transit measures as 10 of 14 local and statewide public transit-related ballot initiatives were approved on November 3. The Salt Lake County, UT, ballot measure is currently too close to call.
“In communities across the country, voters overwhelmingly voted to increase taxes to support public transportation in local and statewide ballot initiatives at a rate of 71 percent,” said American Public Transportation Association (APTA) President and CEO Michael Melaniphy. “This local support for public transportation demonstrates how vital public transportation is for communities of all sizes. Communities grow when public transportation is available and people have travel options.”
Six of the winning referendums will provide additional revenue to public transportation systems through a new sales tax in the following communities and counties: Fraser, CO (62%); Winter Park, CO (56%); Davis County, UT (57%); Tooele County, UT (51%), Weber County, UT (57%); and Snohomish County, WA (51%).
Voters increased property taxes for public transportation in three communities: Delta County, MI (72%); Scio Township, MI (67%); and Seattle, WA (56%). Voters in the state of Maine passed a statewide multimodal bond initiative, which includes public transportation, by a 73 percent passage rate.
For a complete list of 2015 transportation state and local ballot initiatives, go to the Center for Transportation Excellence web site at