Butler County Regional Transit Authority Launches New Job Connector Route

April 7, 2016
On April 11, 2016, BCRTA will begin operating the new R6 – Job Connector, an economic development tool for local businesses and an affordable community resource for workers.

On April 11, 2016, BCRTA will begin operating the new R6 – Job Connector, an economic development tool for local businesses and an affordable community resource for workers.

The new R6 – Job Connector will serve many job-dense areas between Hamilton and Fairfield on weekdays between 5:30 AM and 9:17 PM. Areas include downtown Hamilton, the Hamilton Enterprise Park, Bilstein Blvd., Symmes Rd., Bypass 4, Port Union Rd., Crescentville Rd. and Springdale. The cost to riders will be only $2.00 per trip, with free transfers to other BCRTA routes, including the R1, R3 and R4. The R6 will also offer convenient connections to and from Cincinnati Metro Routes 20, 23X and 78 at Tri-County.

“Given the historic transit data we have and the support from the business community, we expect this project will connect more workers with vacant jobs in Butler County,” said Matthew Dutkevicz, executive director at BCRTA.

While BCRTA is operating the new route, several partners were instrumental in demonstrating the need for worker transportation. ThyssenKrupp Bilstein, FinPan, Interstate Warehousing, Butler County United Way and the Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce were powerful forces in assisting the BCRTA to obtain additional funding from the Butler County Commissioners, the City of Hamilton, the Hamilton Community Foundation and the City of Fairfield to make the new route a reality. Although BCRTA committed some available grant funding, project partners provided about 35% of the remaining project cost to ensure afternoon and evening workers could take advantage of the service.