FirstGroup Reaction to Greener Journeys Report - "The Impact of Congestion on Bus Passengers"
June 7, 2016
In response to the report released by Professor David Begg and Greener Journeys, entitled "The Impact of Congestion on Bus Passengers", a First Bus spokesperson said:
"Our customers rely on our services – we are as disappointed as they are when congestion prevents us from running punctual, reliable bus routes.
"Local authorities are key to solving this, through measures like bus priority and traffic segregation – and that is why strong partnerships with councils are so important.
"When this works, we can and do attract people out of cars and onto our services. In many areas, our strong partnerships with local councils have resulted in bus passenger growth and modal shift, which in turn have helped limit the impact of congestion and have benefited the local environment and air quality.
"Buses are fundamental to the health of our local economies. We will be using the findings from this report to promote the case for partnerships under the Bus Services Bill and make the case with councils for more bus priority measures."