Mountain Line and Arizona Snowbowl Continue Mountain Express Partnership
Dec. 2, 2016
After a successful pilot program last year, Mountain Line and Arizona Snowbowl have agreed to continue and expand the Mountain Express bus service between downtown Flagstaff and Snowbowl for the 2016-2017 season.
Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority
After a successful pilot program last year, Mountain Line and Arizona Snowbowl have agreed to continue and expand the Mountain Express bus service between downtown Flagstaff and Snowbowl for the 2016-2017 season.
In addition to offering nearly double the amount of service days, the Mountain Express will also now be free of charge to all passengers. The Mountain Express will connect Mountain Line’s Downtown Connection Center on Phoenix Ave., between Milton Rd. and Beaver St. with the Hart Prairie Lodge at Arizona Snowbowl, via the Fort Valley Parking Area at Highway 180 and Snowbowl Rd. Service dates and times include:
December 26-Jan. 1 and Saturdays and Sundays in January and February:
8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. departures from the Downtown Connection Center
Continual service between the Fort Valley Parking Area and Hart Prairie Lodge from 8:30 – 11 a.m.
Departures from Hart Prairie Lodge starting at 3 p.m. with the last bus departing at 5:30 p.m.
Fridays in January and February
Noon departure from the Downtown Connection Center
4:45 p.m. departure from Hart Prairie LodgeRiders can board at other Mountain Line stops (fare must be paid to board other routes) and connect to the Mountain Express at the Downtown Connection Center. There is also a parking lot with all-day parking at the Connection Center.
“We are pleased to build upon the success of last year’s pilot program, and partner with Snowbowl again to get cars off the road and provide a connection to the ski area for those without a vehicle,” said NAIPTA CEO & General Manager Jeff Meilbeck.