Blacksburg Transit Operators Recieve Honors at State Paratransit Roadeo
May 4, 2017
Related To: Blacksburg Transit (BT)
Two of Blacksburg Transit’s top operators traveled to Lynchburg, Virginia to compete in the State Paratransit Roadeo. Drivers from across the state competed against each other in a series of events including a written test, appearance test, assisting and securing a wheelchair user, and a timed obstacle course. In order to succeed at the event an operator must excel in all aspects of the competition.
Jon Barnes took first place in the Body-on-Chassis division and will represent the state of Virginia in the National Community Transit Roadeo in June. Scott Tmay took second place in the Body-on-Chassis division.
"We’re incredibly proud of these two operators. This makes a clean sweep for Blacksburg Transit, winning both the State Paratransit and State Bus Roadeos in the same year. We look forward to seeing how they fare at the national level.” said Tom Fox, transit director.