Laketran Celebrates Dump the Pump Day, June 15

May 23, 2017
With the fluctuation of summer gas prices and need to weaken dependence of foreign oil, Laketran, along with public transportation systems nationwide, is participating in the 12th Annual National Dump the Pump Day.

With the fluctuation of summer gas prices and need to weaken dependence of foreign oil, Laketran, along with public transportation systems nationwide, is participating in the 12th Annual National Dump the Pump Day on Thursday, June 15.  The local Dump the Pump event will be held at City of Painesville’s Veterans Park alongside the Painesville Farmers Market. Laketran in partnership with the city of Painesville, and WKKY radio will encourage people to “Dump the Pump” to see the benefits of using public transportation and biking.

“Anyone can participate by simply reducing your amount of trips that day, carpool, take transit or the most healthy options walk or bike to get where you need to go,” explained Julia Schick who is coordinating the event for Laketran. “We just want people to think about alternatives to getting in their car.”

Last month, Laketran unveiled a new propane-fueled Dial-a-Ride bus that will produce a more eco-friendly transit option for riders taking public transportation. Propane is a clean burning fuel due to its lower carbon content, and significantly reduces smog forming hydrocarbons and greenhouse emissions, over gasoline and diesel fuels. Additionally, propane is American-made reducing independence on foreign oil.

Laketran encourages the community to stop out at the event to learn about the new free Laketran APP that offers trip planning tools, a real-time interactive map, plus schedule and fare information that can help you get started riding transit.

Anyone who rides Laketran on June 15 and stops by the event with a transfer ticket or All Day pass will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $50 Smart Card for Laketran.