Doreen Chen, a student at Jasper High School in Plano, is this year's best of show winner in Dallas Area Rapid Transit's annual student art contest.
Chen's work, based on the theme "Oh the places DART goes" was selected from 1,157 entries from students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
The 10th grader received a $1,000 cash prize by Dallas Contemporary and her winning art will now be displayed on the side of a DART bus traveling across the agency's 13-city service area.
The winning entries will also be shown at Dallas Love Field Airport from mid-May until the end of June and in the lobby of Plano's historical Courtyard Theater, located in the Downtown Plano Arts District near Downtown Plano Station, from the end of June through early August.
DART's student art contest is a 20-year tradition that helps promote the use of public transportation and is supported by community partners DMA, Dallas Contemporary, Half Price Books, Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas Zoo and media partners NBC 5, Telemundo 39, Dallas Morning News, Al Da, Suburban Parent and Plano Profile.