New Text Messaging and Web Chat Service Now Available to St. Louis Metro Transit Riders
July 31, 2018
Metro Transit has introduced a new service for public transit customers that allows them to directly connect with Metro Customer Service or Metro Public Safety without having to make a call.
Metro Transit has introduced a new service for public transit customers that allows them to directly connect with Metro Customer Service or Metro Public Safety without having to make a call. Through a new text messaging and web chat service, transit riders can contact a Metro Customer Service representative with questions about their commute or to ask for help planning their trip. Riders may also reach out to Metro Public Safety during their ride with any questions or concerns, quickly and conveniently from their mobile device.
Metro riders can text with Metro Customer Service or Metro Public Safety using these new numbers:
Metro Customer Service: 314-207-9786 – Representatives available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday
Metro Public Safety: 314-300-0188 – Public Safety is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week