Akron Metro launches redesign of fixed-route services as Reimagined Network
June 16, 2023
The Reimagined Network features a new streamlined service, with five new high-frequency 15-minute corridors, three new 30-minute routes and new regional connections to Brimfield and Cuyahoga County.
The Akron Metro Regional Transit Authority (Akron Metro) has launched the redesign of fixed-route services as the Reimagined Network. The Reimagined Network is the first step in the authority’s Transit Development Plan approved in 2020 that will meet the goals of Akron Metro’s 10-year Strategic Plan.
Akron Metro completed extensive research and public outreach from 2020 to 2023 and determined a focus of more frequency, more weekend service and better connections. The Reimagined Network features a new streamlined service, with five new high-frequency 15-minute corridors, three new 30-minute routes and new regional connections to Brimfield and Cuyahoga County.
“Our goal was to keep significant coverage for our existing ridership, with 97 percent of existing boardings still within ¼-mile of service and increase proximity to frequent service and job opportunities,” said Valerie Shea, director of planning and strategic development for Akron Metro. “With the Reimagine Network, the median number of jobs reachable by Summit County residents near transit in 45-minutes goes up by 53 percent for all residents, 104 percent for lower-income residents, 89 percent for all people of color and 84 percent for black residents.”