RIPTA launches paid CDL training course
June 14, 2024
Related To: Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) and the Rhode Island Institute for Labor Studies & Research (ILSR) have launched a new Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) prep course program, designed to attract and prepare new transit drivers in obtaining their CDL permit.
The program will offer participants the opportunity to earn $25.33 per hour as they prepare for their CDL permit test in an instructor-led classroom.
To kick off this initiative, RIPTA is hosting a job fair on June 18, 2024, at RIPTA headquarters. The event will provide an opportunity for potential applicants to learn more about the new program, undergo onsite interviews and start the prescreening process for the paid CDL permit test prep course program.
“We are thrilled to offer this new program that not only provides financial support while studying but also opens the door to a stable and fulfilling career,” said Christopher Durand, interim CEO, RIPTA. “This initiative reflects RIPTA’s commitment to establishing a workforce development program designed to remove barriers and support our local communities.”