Secured Cities

Burnsville, MN 55337


About Secured Cities


801 Cliff Road East
Burnsville, MN 55337
United States

More Info on Secured Cities

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The goal for the modern city is to create a unified response plan to major emergency situations.Cities need to have all key stakeholders (police, fire/EMS, city government, Homeland Security, transit, utilities) at the same table if they want to provide an effective security or safety response to any situation affecting their citizens. Increasingly, cities are inclined to make federated security technology, equipment and training investments, such that resources can be shared across agencies and departments.

Videos & Resources

Mtv Ep3

Mass Transit TV: 5/4/12

May 3, 2012
Brought to you by SinglePoint Communications, this cast looks at a new milestone for the RTC's employer transportation program in Las Vegas, what some university students created...

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