
Oklahoma City, OK 73109


About Embark


300 SW 7th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
United States

More Info on Embark

Embark 11518831

Embark provides bus, ferry transit and downtown parking solutions in the Oklahoma City metro area.

Products and Press Releases

Embark has released the findings from its 2024 transit rider survey, which consisted of  over 2,000 responses from Oklahoma City Fixed Route bus, RAPID NW bus rapid transit line and OKC Streetcar customers.

Embark rider survey results show improved satisfaction with overall services

Jan. 30, 2025
The survey delves into rider satisfaction, frequency of use, preferences and demographic information.
City of Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City Council approves 17-mile route for MAPS 4 BRT corridor

The route will serve key destinations and expand equitable mobility options for residents in northeast and south Oklahoma City, Okla.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

City of Oklahoma City, Okla., launches first phase of MAPS 4 Bus Stop Improvements project

Phase 1 includes $4.3 million to improve bus stops across the city, including 140 EMBARK bus stops in 2024.

EMBARK, FTA, city of Oklahoma City cut ribbon on RAPID BRT service

Dec. 5, 2023
The first RAPID line has 32 platform stops, stretches 9.5 miles each way and integrates into the more extensive EMBARK transit network.

COTPA Board of Trustees approves EMBARK service changes and implementation of city’s first BRT service

May 8, 2023
EMBARK’s new RAPID BRT system will transport thousands of residents and employees to major destinations when it opens in the fall of 2023.
The Oklahoma City Streetcar provided its 1 millionth ride the weekend of Sept. 17, 2022.

OKC Streetcar reaches one million rides

Sept. 20, 2022
The streetcar opened for service in December 2018.
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EMBARK releases 2021 customer satisfaction findings

July 21, 2022
More than 1,400 responses were compiled among Oklahoma City and Norman bus and OKC Streetcar customers to yield findings in rider frequency of use, satisfaction, preferences and...

EMBARK reveals branding for upcoming bus rapid transit system

Nov. 9, 2021
The first line is expected to begin service in late 2023.

Articles & News

From left to right: Oklahoma City Councilperson James Cooper, Trustee Bernard Semtner III, Mayor David Holt, FTA Administrator Gail Lyssy, Assistant City Manager and EMBARK Administrator Jason Ferbrache.

Oklahoma City region’s first BRT project breaks ground

June 29, 2022
Officials with EMBARK, FTA and the city held a ceremony for the first RAPID BRT project that is expected to enter service in fall 2023.
The May 26 event was the first chance the public would see and walk around one of the vehicles that will serve on EMBARK's first BRT route.

EMBARK and OKC officials introduce RAPID BRT vehicle design

May 27, 2022
The RAPID brand was known, but how that brand would translate into visuals on a vehicle on display for the first time at the Oklahoma City Convention Center.
Riders board an EMBARK bus in June 2021. [photo credit: EMBARK]

Climb Ride pairs mobility and social service for Oklahoma City child welfare system

The four-year pilot program was designed to be a scalable solution for other transit systems to learn from.
The MAPS 4 initiative includes $10 million for transit shelter improvements.

OKC City Council approves MAPS 4 Implementation Plan

Sept. 16, 2021
The voter-approved program will raise funds for a diverse set of projects including transit enhancements.
EMBARK has worked to deliver a lot of mobility 'firsts' to Oklahoma City including the Oklahoma Streetcar, which opened in 2018.

EMBARK-ing Toward Better Mobility

Aug. 17, 2021
A long-term strategic plan, dedicated voter-approved funding, deep municipal partnerships and strong support of the community is helping Oklahoma City’s EMBARK become the region...
Jesse Rush, OKC Streetcar Manager, Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA) dba as EMBARK
40 Under 40

2020 40 Under 40: Jesse Rush

Aug. 18, 2020
Jesse Rush, OKC Streetcar Manager, Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA) dba as EMBARK
A ribbon-cutting ceremony is the first of several celebrations marking the return of streetcars to Oklahoma City.

OKC Streetcar opens for business

Dec. 17, 2018
Generations after they disappeared from the streets of Oklahoma City, streetcars make their triumphant return.

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All content from Embark

Embark Cng Fueling Station 04212021
Fuel Systems & Fueling Equipment

EMBARK opens first CNG fueling facility, unveils first electric bus

April 26, 2021
The electric bus purchase was made possible through a grant from the FTA’s Low- or No-Emission Grant Program awarded in 2017 and 2020.

EMBARK deepens leadership bench

Jan. 15, 2021
Jesse Rush and Suzanne Wickenkamp have been named assistant directors.
City of Norman
The new Municipal Maintenance Complex will house maintenance for the cities safety and public transportation fleets.

Norman, Oklahoma, breaks ground on Municipal Maintenance Complex

The complex will house an 18,635-square-foot Transit and Fire Maintenance Facility where the city’s public transportation vehicles will be maintained.
EMBARK and Tyler Outdoor celebrated the installation of Oklahoma City's 100th new bus shelter. The city has seen 100 new shelters within the past year.
Shelters, Benches and Equipment

EMBARK, Tyler Outdoor celebrate Oklahoma City's 100th new bus shelter

July 7, 2020
The shelters were installed over the past year and bring a renewed sense of security and accessibility to transit riders.

Embark Selects Streetcar Operator

June 6, 2017
Embark’s Board of Trustees awarded a contract Friday with Herzog Transit Services Inc. for the start-up, operation and maintenance of the seven-vehicle Oklahoma City Streetcar...

Embark Offers Free Bus & Spokies Rides for Earth Day

April 20, 2017
Embark is making SmartMoves by adding compressed natural gas buses to the fleet and encouraging the public to take steps to reduce emissions.
Water Transportation

Oklahoma River Cruises Kicks Off Its 10th Season 2017 Expected to Continue Ridership Growth

April 11, 2017
2017 marks the 10th season of ferry service on the Oklahoma River. Starting with just two landings and now serving four, Oklahoma River Cruises services have expanded and so have...
Alt. Mobility

Embark Launches New Spokies Bikes & Stations

Aug. 22, 2016
Embark launched major upgrades to the Spokies bike share system last week, by adding 50 new Trek bikes to the fleet and joining the national BCycle network.

Embark Wins National Award from APTA

Aug. 19, 2016
With numerous improvements over the past several years, Embark was just named the “North America’s Outstanding Public Transportation System” by the American Public Transportation...