Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC)

Arlington, VA 22201


About Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC)


2300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 620
Arlington, VA 22201
United States of America

More Info on Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC)

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NVTC funds and promotes transit in the counties of Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Church, a 1,000 square-mile region with a population of 1.7 million.

Products and Press Releases

Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

New NVTC report highlights importance of public transit to the environment

April 10, 2024
The report, "Climate Benefits of Transit in Northern Virginia,” finds the use of public transit in northern Virginia reduces up to 160,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions...
Power Converters, Battery Chargers and Inverters

Federal program to help NVTC analyze how public transit agencies in northern Virginia could share electric bus charging infrastructure

March 7, 2024
Several bus providers in northern Virginia have overlapping routes where shared on-route charging could be effective.
Hybrid, Hydrogen & Electric Vehicles

NVTC helping northern Virginia to transition to zero-emission buses

Jan. 10, 2024
NVTC's Northern Virginia Zero-Emission Bus Strategic Plan outlines regional strategies to help the agencies reach sustainability goals while providing safe, reliable and cost-...

NVTC report makes recommendations on how to improve bus service

Aug. 25, 2023
The report, Advancing Bus Priority, features an interactive story map that allows users to visualize how infrastructure improvements would reduce traffic congestion for buses....
Metrorail I66 Traffic Halfpromo Wmata

NVTC publishes recommendations for WMATA as agency recovers from pandemic

Dec. 15, 2021
The commission recommends leveraging federal relief aid and encouraging riders to return to public transit.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
Nvtc Commuter Choice Logo

Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board greenlights three projects within NVTC’s Commuter Choice program

Oct. 21, 2021
The three projects improve connections and incentivize the use of transit and vanpooling through the I-66 Inside the Beltway Corridor.
Fare Collection

NVTC supports enhanced and connected train and bus fare collection

Jan. 11, 2021
The strategic plan update includes the adoption of mobile technologies.

Articles & News

Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
The value of transit in northern Virginia in 2018 versus 2025 based on NVTC studies.

Transit’s value to northern Virginia: $1.5 billion

June 2, 2023
At least two-thirds of the estimated annual personal income and sales tax revenue generated by transit in northern Virginia can be attributed to WMATA’s Metrorail system.
Xavier Harmony, Senior Program Manager, Transit Resource Center, Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
40 Under 40

2022 40 Under 40: Xavier Harmony

Aug. 23, 2022
Xavier Harmony, Senior Program Manager, Transit Resource Center, Northern Virginia Transportation Commission

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All content from Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC)


Metrorail & Virginia Railway Express Boost State Revenues by $600M

Sept. 7, 2017
Long credited with fueling economic development in Northern Virginia, Metrorail and Virginia Railway Express provide more than $600 million annually to Virginia’s general fund...
NVTC Executive Director Kate Mattice.

Kate Mattice Named NVTC Executive Director

Nov. 7, 2016
The Northern Virginia Transportation Commission recently announced the appointment of Kate Mattice as executive director of the transit organization.
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC)
Rendering of the proposed BRT route.

BRT Proposed to Connect Tysons and City of Alexandria

April 8, 2016
Bus rapid transit (BRT) is the proposed mode to connect Tysons and the City of Alexandria along Route 7.

NVTC Report Makes the Business Case for Transit

Feb. 16, 2016
A newly released NVTC report details the importance of transit to the business community.

NVTC Recommends Improvements to Restore Public Confidence in Metro

Jan. 8, 2016
Based on the results of a recent public engagement effort, the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) has adopted recommendations designed to help the Washington Metropolita...

NVTC Statement on Restoration of Transit Benefit

Dec. 21, 2015
In response to action by the U.S. House and Senate to increase the monthly transit benefit from $130 to $255, NVTC Chairman David F. Snyder issued the following statement:“Transit...

WMATA Safety Improvements Depend on Joint Action and Dependable Funding

Nov. 6, 2015
Recognizing that safe and reliable Metrorail service depends on strong oversight, adequate resources and a positive safety culture, the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission...

NVTC to Share Ridership & Cost Data for New Route 7

Oct. 26, 2015
To what extent will bus rapid transit or light rail increase transit use along Route 7 and what is the cost to provide high-capacity transit service? The Northern Virginia Transportatio...

NVTC Calls for Bus & Rail Support in Bill

Sept. 9, 2015
Urging increased investment in public transportation, the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) on Sept. 8, told members of the regional Congressional delegation ...