Alanna McKeeman
Alanna McKeeman, AICP, is a planner with experience across a variety of topic areas in the transportation industry. Her primary focus is planning that creates more convenient and efficient transportation options for all residents in a community. At Foursquare ITP, Alanna serves as project manager for the Atlanta Region Transit-Link Authority (ATL) Annual Report and Audit, which provides a comprehensive picture of transit performance in the Atlanta region. She has also led development of financial plans and fare studies, including an evaluation of the ridership and cost impacts of different fare change scenarios to make transit more affordable for low-income residents in the City of Alexandria, Virginia.
Alanna has led demand response service and financial planning tasks for eight transit service providers in Michigan and Minnesota, and has had leading roles in public and stakeholder engagement for: moveDC, the District of Columbia’s statewide long-range transportation plan; the Washington Area Bus Transformation Project; and the Maryland 355 Bus Rapid Transit Alternatives Analysis. Prior to joining Foursquare ITP, Alanna served as a lead author on several national publications regarding performance-based transportation planning. Alanna is also a WTS-DC Board Member and chairs its Scholarship and Fundraising Committee.