CFTE's Six Stops to Success Webinar Series: Building Support and Combating Critics

Most efforts to build or expand transit face critics. Some of the attacks of transit critics are familiar. However, recent ballot and legislative campaigns have seen important changes in the strategies and tactics of critics. In addition, new organizations are actively working to oppose initiatives. This webinar will look at the evolution of transit critics and their attacks. Experts will address ways to combat both local and outside critics while also building support among diverse groups of advocates in your community.

Speakers:  Tom Shrout, Avvantt Partners; Morgan Lyons, Dallas Area Rapid Transit; Gloria Ohland, Move LA

The Center for Transportation Excellence is thrilled to partner once again with the National Alliance of Public Transportation Advocates (NAPTA) to bring you Six Stops to Success, a free webinar series designed to help transit advocates around the country share ideas and work together to promote innovative transit investment and improvements.